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Haneul groaned against her pillow for the nth time this morning as she clutched down her stomach.

She had her period today and the stomach cramps were killing her. Her uncle already left for work and she was left alone to suffer as the Stray Kids boys also had practice today.

(Cant relate ;-; i dont have period cramps lmfao it runs in the family)

"Curse th-these cramps." She whined, her face mushed against the pillow as her eyes filled with tears of pain.

"Where's my mommy when I need her." She whimpered. Her phone suddenly starts ringing, sending vibrations throughout the soft mattress.

"Hello..?" She answered, sounding grumpy and whiny while she shifted into another comfortable position.

"Haneul? You okay? Where are you?" Chan asked worriedly as it seemed like Haneul was in pain. And she was.

"Channie~ !" She whined again before putting the phone on speaker and leaving it beside her head. "Help me~!"

Chan would have panicked when she called for help, especially with her current situation- aka. psycho ex-boyfriend- but when he heard that it sounded with a hint of playfulness, he bursted into laughter.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Period cramps." She cried, saying as if it was a curse.

Chan choked on his saliva when she mentioned her period. He knew it was normal for girls, but he found the topic really awkward.

Seungmin, who sat beside him, heard of their conversation and he turned to look at Chan, listening more.

"It hurts, Channie." Haneul said, pouting to herself.

"Aww, too bad." He replied though it sounded more of a mock than pity and remorse.

"I hatechu." She grummbled, ending the call immediately. Whenever she had her period, she gets extremely moody.

It's either she gets angry, she turns emotionless, or she becomes sentimental. And she would kill for warm hugs and cuddles.

(wInk w0nk)

Chan sighed and chuckled as he put down his phone, standing up right after as he looked down at Seungmin.

"I'm going to my studio, 'kay? You guys have your lunch." He waved and went out of the practice room.

"Lunch?" Jisung looked up from his phone with bright hopeful eyes and huge grin. He only needed twitching ears and it would be peak devastation for Stays. "Did he say lunch?"

Seungmin squinted his eyes weirdly at his member before nodding. "Yeah, he did."

The boy jumped up from the floor at his confirmation, pulling Felix and Minho with him. "Eat! Eat! Eat!" He cheered as he made his way outside, followed by the two who got dragged by him and the others who also cheered.

Seungmin sat on the floor thinking, as he watched them all go to the cafeteria. "I can't believe I'm doing this." He groaned, standing up while he grabbed his backpack, putting on his mask and fishing out his wallet.

He walked out of the building and went into the nearest convenience store. Luckily, there wasn't much people by the streets and in the store. Which made things a little easier for him.

"Excuse me." He called as he walked up the cashier.

A woman smiled at him as she put away the rag she used to clean the counter. "Hello young man. How may I help you?" She asked sweetly.

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