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i dont know why i update everyday tho

After a long day at JYPe, Haneul invited the boys over for dinner at her dorm. They boys were too tired to complain and cook, so they quickly agreed with no hesitation.

The group had already planned their dinner, a mix of Korean and Foreign food as Haneul wanted them to try their family recipes.

The elevator dinged when it reached the floor but the chatter didn't die down, even when the started walking to her door.

Chan led the pack to her doorstep, taking the lead since Haneul was still busy with her storytelling with the others.

But as Chan reached the door, he saw a box in front of it; wrapped it in red ribbons and pink foil.

"Hey, Haneul." He called, interupting their conversations. Everyone, snapped their heads over to Chan.

"You got a package." He said.

Haneul raised a brow and looked over his shoulder to see the fancy box. She chuckled. "Just bring it inside."

Chan pouted but carried it anyways as he opened the door. "Bossy much?" He grummbled. "Why is this heavy anyways?" 

The group walked into her kitchen, Chan placing the box on the table. Haneul clapped her hands as she grabbed the box, excited to open it- her eyes shining.

"Ehem." Chan cleared his throat right before she could grab the foil.

"Right." She said and sent him sly smile before placing the box under the table and went to help Chan cook.

The boys, who anticipated the surprise, whined and found their way to the living room to entertain themselves.

"Who sent that, by the way?" Chan asked when the started chopping off vegetables.

Haneul placed her hair in a ponytail and shrugged. "I didn't see." She replied.

Chan then turned to her and wiggled his brows, eyeing her teasingly. "Don't tell me you got a secret admirer." He giggled.

Haneul scoffed out a laugh. "I highly doubt that." She said. "It could be Wonpil. He might've left me a farewell gift since he's going on a Tour."

Chan didn't seem to be convinced as he rolled his eyes. "Or it's from a trainee. Who knows?"

"A trainee? Are you serious?" She shook her head at him as he raised a shoulder. "I don't think anyone would risk that."

"Eh." The two proceeded to cook.

"Can you wash these?" Chan requested when he reached out a basket of fruits.

"Sure." Haneul nodded and put the basket in the sink, turning on the faucet as she washed them.

"Hey. Your sleeve, you dimwit." Chan chided, ckuckling a little as he reached for her sleeves.

Haneul gasped silently when she realized that he didn't know about the cuts she had and pulled her arms away.

"It's fine." She said awkwardly, clearing her throat. "It's dirty anyway. I'll just wash this later, yeah." Her voice sounded almost mechanically, panicked as she sweated.

Chan raised his brow. "Okay, then..?"


The two placed the plated down the table, creating loud sounds across the room. The boys heard it and they immediately scrammbled from the living room and raced  with each other for seats.

Haneul chuckled lightly at their goofiness.


They had just finished eating and they decided to go play in the living room. And so there they gathered.

"Oh, hey! The gift." Felix reminded as he was also excited to see. "Aren't you gonna open it?"

Haneul looked up from her phone and big smile spread across her face. "Oh yeah! Right."

She got into the kitchen, slipping the box from under the table and carrying it over to the boys, where they gathered in a circle.

"It's kinda heavy." She said and let it fall in the middle of the circle.

"Yeah, but- don't just do that!" Changbin scolded. "It might be fragile or something."

Haneul laughed and rolled her eyes at him. "What is in there? Your heart?" She teased.

"They gifted you back your virginity." The venomous voice came from Seungmin and Haneul gasped, offended.

"Deja de ser tan inmaduro." Haneul said while glaring at him as the others were shocked at her sudden Spanish. ("Stop being so immature.")

"Sorry. I don't speak taco." He retorted.

Haneul groaned and shook her head before turning back again to the mystery box dressed in too much pink.

With her baby fingers, Haneul did her best to rip out the foil and the ribbons, revealing a brown box.

Haneul scrunched her face up when a sudden smell spread over the room.

"Did you fart?" Accused Seungmin.

"What? No." She snapped at him. Before looking at the others.

"Did you guys step on a dead rat or something?" She asked as they all stared at each other.

It was all silent before Seungmin stood up from the comfortness of the couch, muttering a string of profanities as he pulled Haneul back in realization.

"This isn't for you." He said firmly steadying her by her shoulders as he put a hand over her eyes.

The boys looked at him in confusion. "Take that away." He said.

Haneul laughed at him, though she was also quite nervous and worried. "Oh shut it. Open it!" She cheered.

"No guys! I'm telling you-!" Before he could even stop them, Minho pulled the lid open, and the smell of the dead filled the dorm.

Everyone jaw dropped at the sight of a dead cat's body parts that laid inside the box. Minho immediately shut it and everyone turned to look at Haneul worriedly.

She had her mouth open, staring blankly at the box as her eyes started to fill with water. Seungmin breathed out a sad sigh, pulling Haneul to his chest in hopes of comforting her.

"You nuthead. You never listen." He whispered soothingly, stroking her hair.

"That was my dead cat." She sobbed. "Did he really fucking dig him from the grave?"

Chan looked again at the brown box, tilting his head as he saw a small part of a piece of paper got out from it.

He pulled it out and examined it, gasping when he realized it was a letter.

"What's that?" Jeongin asked, standing up from fhe floor to take a look. And everyone followed, but Haneul and Seungmin as the girl just decided to just overhear.

Chan opened it and read,

"I found you."

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