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With a sigh, Haneul grabbed the plastic bag and made her way out of the store. The cold air sent her shivering, so she put her hand in her pocket and proceeded to make her way back to the dorm.

Her thoughts went back to when Seungmin spoke of her father. Her lips pulled down to a frown as she felt the stinging sensation in her eyes again. She knew she shouldn't have walked out, but she was afraid of crying in front of them. Luckily, she was able to get out of their dorm room before the tears fell down her cheek.

Haneul took deep breaths, closing her eyes in attempt to calm herself down, and to look at least composed and not troubled when she reaches the dorm.

Haneul heard footsteps behind her and a few incoherent mummbling, but she didn't mind thinking they were just going the same way as her.

Or so she thought.

"Hey!" Called a voice, but Haneul didn't turn to look as she was too pre-occupied in her own thoughts. "Hey, you! We're talking to you, bitch!"

They didn't seem like they would stop until they caught her attention. So to get things over with, she turned her body slightly to the side and looked over her shoulder.

There was a group of six girls; one of them as short as Haneul but the most are at least three inches taller than her.

"You were calling?" She asked.

The girl at the center of their semi-circle, surrounding Haneul, propped herself on one leg, a finger playing with her blonde curls. "Ew. I don't know why they hang out with her." She muttered to her friends, who giggled and eyed Haneul who looked like she couldn't care less.

"Please be quick. I need to go back now." Haneul said, turning her heel to proceed walking, but the girls stopped her.

"Hold up you whore!" The blondie pulled at her hair, her head whipping back forcefully, causing her to groan in pain.

"Where do you think you're going, huh?" She chuckled devishly, snapping her fingers in some sort of command.

Her friends- slaves - locked their arms around Haneul's, kicking the back of her knees so that she unwilingly knelt down the ground in front of the witch.

"And what do you think you're doing?" Haneul snapped back as she looked up at the smirking devil.

And she thought Seungmin was the only one who could boil her blood.

"We've seen you.." the girl started. "We've seen you hang out with them. In your videos."

Haneul squinted her eyes in confusion, and raised a brow when realization hit her. "Huh? Stray Kids?"

"Duh, you dumb hag." Goldilocks sassily replied, rolling her eyes at Haneul while her friends laughed at the nicknames she gave her.

"What about them?" Haneul asked. She tried shaking the girls that he held her arms but to no avail.

They pressed their foots harder on her calves when she did, resulting Haneul to wince in pain.

The girl in front of her groaned. "Just- just stay away from them!" She demanded as she stomp her foot agressively against the pavement.

Haneul scoffed out a bitter laugh. "I can't do that. They're my friends." She said. "What are you sasaengs?"

The girls around her looked at each other nervously, the lack of reply giving Haneul her answer. "Oh my gosh." She said in disbelief.

"Just stay away!"

Haneul pulled her eyebrows together, angry. "I told you I can't do tha-"

Goldilocks didn't let her finish as she swung her arm, and liquid pouring all over Haneul.

The white substance smelled rotten and disgusting, making Haneul want to puke right then and there. The spoilt milk ran down her hair, across her face, and soaked into her clothes.

Haneul gasped quietly in shock, her mouth opening to curse at them, but no sound came out of her.

She clench her fist tightly, ready to pull their fake lashes apart from the eyes. She lifted head up to glare at the girl, but through her prehephiral vision, she could see one of them holding a camera.

Her eyes widened and she quickly hid her head away from it. It was a smart move, however, it made bitchy blondie madder.

She held Haneul's chin tightly and forced her to show her face.


"Where is she? It's been 15 minutes." Seungmin groaned as he looked up from his watch, foot tapping restlessly against the tiled floor.

Chan sighed beside him, raking back his hair in worry. "If you hadn't mentioned her father, she wouldn't have gone out." He said.

The two had been standing by the elevator of their dorm, waiting for Haneul ever since she left. Chan forced Seungmin to apologize to her and so here they were.

Seungmin rolled his eyes at Chan in annoyance, but deep inside, he was guilty and worried.

The blurred glass doors opened and in came Hanuel, clothes and hair wet as the smell of spoilt milk filled the lobby.

"Oh my.." Chan scrunched his nose and squinted his eyes as he tried to block out the smell, hoping not to offend his friend.

"Are you okay?" He asked, looking over his shoulder to eye Seungmin.

Seungmin silently groaned and started to walk forward to Haneul. But he soon stopped his tracks when Haneul lifted up her head, tears falling endlessly down her cheeks.

Her eyes were red and puffy, nose was red, cheeks were red, every bit of her face screamed sad, angry, and annoyed.

Haneul bit her lip from sobbing out loud. She threw the plastic bag down to the floor and it slid to Seungmin's feet, who didn't know what to do.

With a sniff, she sprinted her way up the stairs, leaving the two boys in a faze.

"Shit. She was crying so hard. What do we do?" Seungmin asked, turning to Chan as he tried to hide the panic in his face and voice.

"Go comfort her." Chan replied, eyes still wide.

"What?" Seungmin furrowed his brows. "How do you comfort someone?"

"Hug her first." Chan said while walking forward to pick up the plastic bag Haneul had thrown earlier.

"Hug- what?!"


Haneul stood in front of her mirror. Hair wet and messy, her whole face puffy from all the crying she had done.

And a shard of broken vase in her hand.

She yearned for pain, she yearned for blood. She belived that the pain a shard would give her, couldn't be compared to the trouble she was facing.

She squeezed her eyes shut as the terrible degrading words of the girls waffled through her ears.

"Stop.." she weeped, hoping that an angel would come down to save her.

And so, with no hesitation, she cut her arm. Blood oozing down 'til it dripped onto the sink.

Im laughing at myself as we speak

I make annoying ass characters and as I write them, I get angry also;-;

As u can see from the way I narrated it, that blonde bitch also got on my nerves

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