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The group sat around Haneul's bed; Chan and Seungmin seating beside her, Changbin by the egde of the bed, Felix leaning on the nightstand, Jisung on her chair, Jeongin and Minho standing.

Haneul played with her shirt nervously as she calmed herself first.

The boys had thrown away the box, and had already sprayed the whole place with febreeze to put away the smell.

Haneul decided that they should know about her past and her psycho ex-boyfriend that seemed to be chasing after her.

"You know, you don't have to if you aren't ready." Chan said soothingly while he held one of her hand.

Beside her, Seungmin's eye twitched when he saw the skinship, but pulled his eyes away and leaned on the headboard of the bed.

"No, I want to tell you." She said, taking a deep breath. "I think it's best that you know about it."

Chan didn't want to make her uncomfortable than she already was but it wasn't his descision, so he nodded and gave her a pat on the shoulder.

Haneul squeezed her eyes shut for a second trying to calm herself down before she started. The topic she was about to tell was what triggered her anxiety and depression, but she needed to tell them.

Seungmin noticed that she looked extremely nervous and could possibly puke anymoment, so he stood up from his seat and went into the bathroom, searching for her pills through the medicine cabinet.

Everyone, including Haneul, watched as he disappeared out of the room. There were shuffling noises  before Seungmin returned with two pills in his hand and a glass of water.

Haneul let out a relieved sigh as she saw what he had brought, giving him a grateful gaze.

"Thanks." She said right after she swallowed the pills and gulped down the water.

Seungmin hummed and sat back down on the bed.

The boys looked at them with shocked faces. They both usually fought alot and they were the ones that didn't get along with each other, but not even Chan knew that she had and needed pills.

With a sigh, Haneul sat up straight and began to talk.

"The 'gift' you guys just saw from my ex-boyfriend, Zach." She started and everyone's eyes widened. "He was a pschyo. I broke up with him because he was starting to get really possesive and obsessed with me."

Their brows scrunched up in pity, Chan frowning as he interwined his fingers with his best friend.

"After the break up, he- uhh- got really mad and furious. And he kinda stalked me everywhere and kept calling me and sending me messages as if we were still together." Hameul gulped as her throat dried up, petrified of the next story.

"H-he.. umm.." Haneul stuttered. "He killed my bully. He ripped the head away from the body a-and he sent me a p-pic-ture of it." Haneul felt her eyes sting again and before she knew it, tears ran down her cheek.

Chan immdeiately tried to calm her down and tell her to stop, but Haneul raised a hand to show that she wasn't finished.

"Not only that, he also killed my best friend through a car crash because she kept a secret from me." Her nose was now blocked and red, making her voice sound deeper and caved. (Yall get what i mean, right?)

"And the cat you saw earlier was my pet." She said sniffing up the snot as she ran a finger below her nose. "He sneaked in one night and killed him because Zach saw that he scratched me."

Minho winced at the sound of a dead cat, his heart aching as he knew what it felt like to have a pet like that.

Haneul broke down in tears, her sweater paws covering her eyes as she weeped.

The boys released deep sighs of condolence before they lined up to give her hugs.

"I'm sorry for all that happened to you." Chan said. "And also because we couldn't keep you safe from the toxic fans. Or whatever they are."

Haneul smiled a little. "But there are some fans who like you too. Mostly international fans." Felix added.

(Yes cuz we inter. fans are awesome kskskkskskskskskksksksk)


Haneul knew she wasn't safe there anymore and they all knew that she had to move somewhere safer.

She talked to her uncle Jinyoung, and he offered to let her move in his house temporarily until she was safe, to whuch she agreed to.

The boys helped her pack her clothes and things, stuffing it into her bags. They didn't want her to leave but it was for the best. Besides, they'd still see each other in JYPe building.

The boys also knew where JYP lived so that wasn't a problem as they had been invited there for a few times now.

Haneul bid her farewell the next morning, laughing it after since they'd still meet up later.

So to JYP's house she went.


this chapter was lame but I swear,

Tomorrow's update will be better *heart heart*

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