Chapter 4

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Mina's Pov

I'm here now in my cafe.  I just check the cafe if there's more people and then I just fixed something here then I will leave. I'll let Yeji take charge in the cafe first while I'm gone. I want to relax before i return to the company. I trust Yeji here because i have known her for a long time. That's why I made her the manager. She has shown me good things before and she is like a sister to me so I returned the favor. She took care of my mother while I'm working before. Father left us for other women and he also have family.

"Yeji, Do we still have stocks? Is there anything else we need to buy?  so we can buy it before I leave"

"it's still full, Mina unnie. I just looked in the storage room and I checked it also. It's still complete And It still depends on the crowd if we need to buy some stocks again. Because if the number of people increases in the next few days we may need to buy it right away."

"I will be gone for few days or maybe in a few months. If you need money to buy necessities just call me. And if something goes wrong, just call me and I'll be right back, okay?"

"Ne, Mina unnie. Just enjoy your vacation and I will take care of the Cafe while you're gone. Don't worry I will call you right away if something goes wrong." She said. I'm glad that Yeji is here. I don't know what to do if Yeji's not here.

I nodded at her and bid my goodbye.
I'll buy flowers first before I go to the cemetery. For a few months I was unable to visit her because I was too busy with the company. But now that I have time, I can visit her. Mom died when I was just starting out in the Park's company.

My mom was supporting me at the time when i needed dad. She was the father and mother to me when I was young until her death. She was the one who suffered so I could finish my studies. She is the reason why I studied so well. She was the reason I graduated Summa Cum Laude. I was very happy because she was able to join me on the stage and she also put the medal on me. She died because of a heart disease. I did everything I could to cure her but she couldn't make it. I'm glad that before he died we could still bond and do the things she loves. I'm sad because the one who has raised and loved me is gone now, forever. I'm already here in the cemetery.

"mom, I'm glad to see you again.  sorry if i just visited today?  I still can't accept that you are gone now.  I have not at all returned all your misery to me. I wish you're a happy there in heaven and Mom don't worry about me and I'm fine here. I'll always be careful here so you don't have to worry.  I'll be here again when Jackson returns. I'll introduce him to you next time I come here."

I told my mom what happened when she disappeared. I mentioned that I'm working in the Park's now. I told how's my life and how I met Jackson. Jackson is currently in China because he says he will only fix something there. I don't know what it is and I didn't ask about it because he might be angry. I just have to trust him to not to do anything to hurt the both of us or me.

I just stayed here with my mom until the sun is setting.  I miss her so much because she's been missing for a few months now. I tried to accept that she is gone but I still can't help to cry at night when she crosses my mind. That's why I spend all my time at work to keep myself from being sad, to keep myself busy from the sad thoughts. But now I can say that I'm ready to be happy again without my mom. I had to admit that she was gone, she wants me to be happy and enjoy my life again. Because I know mom will be sad when she sees me sad. My Mom always says that as long as I'm happy, she is also happy. So I will be happy again because I don't want mom to be sad

I said goodbye to Mom and told her I'd be back next time. I left and rushed to a nearby restaurant because I was hungry. I didn't realize the time so I forgot to eat.

I am here to a restaurant near at the cemetery. I ordered some food so it and I guess that the food here was okay or even great. As I was waiting for my meal I saw my cellphone ringing. When I saw who was calling I immediately smiled.

"Minari, how are you? Did you eat already? I miss you"

"Oh,  someone's missing me hahaha I'm great here, babe. I'm here at the restaurant and I'm waiting for my food to arrive when you called and I miss you too. How 'bout you? How are you there?"

"I'm fine here, just tired babe. I really miss you and want to be there already. I want to hug you right now"

"Then finish your work there so you go home and hug me here. I'm waiting though and I visited Mom today and told her about what happened when she left."

"Arasseo arasseo. I will only be here for few days. Still needs to fix something here. Don't worry we'll go on a date after I return.  Oh, that's great. I'm glad that you finally visited your Mom. We will both visit her when I get back, okay?

"Ne, please be quick. I miss you too.   My food's here gotta eat first. Take a rest, okay? You did great today and don't forget to eat. I love you"

"Okay, babe. Eat well and I miss you also.  Ne I will rest later after I finish.  Thank you and I love you too.  Byee"

I dropped the call because the food was here.  I'm really hungry hahaha.  I ordered a lot but I knew that I could finish it all. Tomorrow I'm just going to think about where to go to relax. After I ate I get the bill and went home

I'm going to sleep early because tomorrow I will enjoy my vacation and do what I want. Looking forward to a happy memories with myself tomorrow ㄱㄱㄱㄱ.


Thank you for reading this huhuhu. And I'm sorry if this was a boring chapter.  It's just that my mind is not functioning so I can't make a great chapter. But I'll make the next chapter beautiful. I will make you happy. Please look forward to the next chapter. Thank you for waiting.

[Myoui Anne]

Can't deny my feelings// Twice Mina X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now