Chapter 34

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Co captain

Essence's POV
_ "OMG YOU'RE PREGNANT!?" I yell my hands flying up to my face.

Destiny stares at me with the weirdest expression I have ever seen. A mixture between constipated and wanting to cry.

_ "Is it Ian's!? Am I going to be an aun-"
Phoenix covers my mouth with his hand, muffling my shouts. I bite his fingers but he tickles me in response.

_ "Thanks Phoenix." Destiny sighs, looking around at the people who didn't really seem to notice the chaos I caused.
"I'm not pregnant you fool!" She hisses at me, and I shrink back into Phoenix, both my best friend and brother glaring at me with raised eyebrows.

_ "Alright, I'm sorry for assuming you two did the nasty. The sexual tension between you is just suffocating." I mumble. "Please do continue."

My brother crosses his arms, trying to suppress a smirk as Destiny fidgets in her seat. If she was able to blush, she surely would've.

_ "As I was saying before being so rudely interrupted." She resumes, shading me, "I'm- God this does not get easier." She rolls her eyes.  "I'm dropping out."

My mouth flies open and so does everyone else's.

_ "Come on guys, snap out of it." My brother says, snapping his fingers before our faces.

We all took a moment to process what she had said, thinking back to any clues that would have led to this moment.

_ "I don't want to sound like I don't support you, but why?" Raven steals the words straight from my mouth. Destiny sharply exhales, seeming to be prepared for such a reaction, better yet for such a question.

_ "Is it because of Ian?" I genuinely interested ask.

_ "Would you cut it off already?" He snaps at me.

_ "What? I was just wondering geez..."

_ "Well not really since we're not even together. I've been debating my decision since second semester." Destiny explains.

_ "Hold up... how are we not together?" Ian scowls at her.

_ "Ian... you haven't asked me out." My friend explains with a duh tone.

_ "I thought it was pretty obvious we were together!" My brother claims. Barf! I don't even wanna know.

_ "That's not how that works Heisler." She connects her palm to her forehead.

_ "Well in that case." My brother stands up on his seat extending a hand towards her. "Destiny Aella Smith, would you do me the honors of being my one and only girlfriend?" He yells dramatically and everyones attention turns to our table.
My bestfriend's eyes go wide her expression one of pure shock. She looks around at the crowd, the tips of her ears going red, before a mischievous smirk tugs at her full lips.

_ "Yeahh... no." She shrugs.

Gasps fly around us as we all stare at her dumbstruck. My brother blanched, his hand dropping to his side as he gulped. Destiny laughed, standing up on her own chair and pulling my brother by the navy blue tie on his neck.

_ "I'm just messing with you. Ofcourse I will."

"Awes" erupt around us as the throng begins to applaud. Some of my brothers friend's whistled and yelled out his name as if he were a quarterback scoring the final touch down in a high school game, as his and Destiny's lips meet.

_ "Fucking finally." I mutter to Raven who nods her head in agreement. I even saw my parents raise their hands into the air and a look that said "We saw that coming" on their smiling faces.

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