Chapter 1

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"You're a fucking coward that's what you fucking are." Lauren half whispered to her so called boyfriend.

"Oh really? Me? You're a coward for not getting the fucking abortion when I told you to." Luis said now even more mad.

"You're so ignorant. You don't t listen because you don't care. I don't need anything from you. Leave and forget about us." Lauren said red in the face trying not to wake the little girl in her arms.

"Lauren I wanna be a father to her." The still boy now calmer said.

"Well it's too late now Luis, you had your chance." Lauren says red eyed.

"But I can help really, we don't have to be t-" he tries to finish but is rudely interrupted by the brunette.

"NO! FUCKING LEAVE!" She screams startling the baby as the crying of the baby girl fills the room with noise.

"Shhh shh baby it's okay." Lauren coos and that's a signal for this boy to go.

He picks up the keys from the apartment and takes one last look at what he's lost. He shakes off the thoughts of what could've been and shuts the door behind him.

Lauren having been successful in sleeping her daughter, carefully rests the child on her crib and runs out of the nursery and into her room. The strength that was once in her lost and weakness takes over.

The ringing of her cellphone interrupts her cries. She wipes her eyes and reaches over to the nightstand and grabs the device.


The caller ID read and she ignored it. Camila rarely called her so why call now? The phone rang again and again and again until Lauren gave up and answered.

"What?" She said angrily.

"Hey weren't you-- are you ok?" Camila asked from the other end of the line feeling as if something was wrong.

"I'm fine what do you want." Lauren said harshly.

"Listen I don't know what the hell is wrong with you but I'm coming over right now to check on you. We have to take Emily to a check up at the hospital remember?" Camila said and Lauren heard keys jingling from
the other end.

"Shit. I forgot." The brunette rubbed her forehead.

There was a long silence and the sound of Camila's car engine starting up. The younger brunette scared to upset Lauren even more stayed quiet but refused to hang up. Lauren letting silent tears fall from her green orbs came to the realization that Camila was the only one she had left. She couldn't push her away. Not now.

Lauren lets out a loud sob. "Ple-ase hu-rry."

"I'll be 5 minutes I promise." Camila says a bit concerned.

"Don't hang up." Lauren manages to say but her tears continue to fall freely from her eyes.

"Oh my god I'm at the light just before your apartment hang on." The youngest Latina said desperately hearing how broken her best friend was.

No other words were spoken. All that was heard were Lauren's soft cries and Camila's car. That soon was broken by loud footsteps coming from the phone and outside of Lauren's apartment.

"It's open." Lauren spoke through the phone then hung up. She stayed sat on her bed now emotionless staring off into nothing until Camila walked in.

"Lauren." She said softly and sat on the bed embracing her. "Please tell me it wasn't that little bitch." Camila says angrily. This only makes Lauren remember what had just happened and she started crying once again.

"Why would he fucking hurt you like that. He's a coward." Camila said.

Lauren pushed back to take a look at Camila.

"Your mouth, and my mouth, are fucking connected I swear." Lauren says and they both start laughing like little kids.

"Oh my god that sounded so wrong." Lauren said.

"Oh shut up loser I know what you meant." Camila says and hugs Lauren once again. "It's gonna be okay. Now I finally have a reason to move in with you. I'm going to help you raise Emily, she's gonna have two moms whether she likes it or not." Camila's says and Lauren gives her a grateful smile.

- -

After a while everything had settled, Camila had brought her things over to Lauren's apartment in a not so far street from hers in the city of New York. Camila had decided to move here in hopes of getting her thoughts or feelings straight about Lauren, far away from Miami. But not soon after, Lauren decided to follow her dreams and also move to New York. Weeks after her move, she bumped into Camila at the grocery store, and to no surprise, little Lauren was pregnant.

"Camzi I can't sleep." Lauren says slowly opening the door to the guest room. Well, Camila's room now.

"Is everything ok?" Camila said sitting up and turning on the night lamp.

"Actually never been better I just, I don't know." Lauren says walking in the room.

Camila was hesitant to say anything as she tried to hide her feelings towards Lauren some more. I mean how straighter could she be? She had a child.

"Do you want me to get you something to drink?" Camila says ready to stand up.

"No camz! Just, can I lay with you?" Lauren says shyly.

"Umm I don't know I mean what if--" Camila says but is interrupted by Lauren laying down on the bed anyways.

"I'm staying." Lauren said.

"Oh-k." Camila said and lay down beside her carefully.

"Camzi cuddle with me like old times! What's wrong with you." Lauren whined then laughed.

Camila took a deep breath and put her arm around Lauren's waist and pressed her front against Lauren's backside. Feelings hitting her like a ton of bricks and the realization that she had no chance with this girl whatsoever made her tears flow out of her brown orbs quietly.

- -

The two brunettes fast asleep now and lightly snoring as the house is in complete utter silence, that is until loud cries fill the house once again.

Both of their heads shoot up at the sound and as Lauren is about to get up Camila pulls her back.

"I got her don't worry." She stands up and walks over to the nursery after obtaining a nod from Lauren.

"Hey princess what's wrong? You're all good." Camila says while embracing the child in her small arms.

She rocked her back and forth and from side to side until she's sure she's asleep. Camila places a kiss on the baby's forehead and lays her back down on her crib. She smiles proud of herself and goes back to bed.

"Probably just a dream." Camila tells Lauren as she lays down.

"Luis was never able to do that." Lauren says with a smile plastered on her face.

"Well she loves me what can I say." Camila says and they return to their previous position the youngest brunette now more at ease.

"Hey Camz, I hope she never asks for her dad." Lauren says.

"And what if she does. You tell her it's me." Camila says with a laugh.

"But when she starts to hang out with friends she's going to see a girl and a boy, she's gonna wonder." Lauren says worried.

"Laur there's nothing wrong if you're missing a parent. Lots of kids have divorced families." Camila says trying to understand.

"Not that Camz, I mean she's gonna have you and me but we're both girls." Lauren says explaining further.

"There's nothing unusual about that." Camila says.

"But-- yea I guess you're right." Lauren says agreeing.

"Just sleep, we'll figure this out with time." Camila says and they both fall into a deep slumber once again.

A/N: kinda have an idea as to where this is going so please tell me if you like it in the comments it would mean a lot.

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