Chapter 6

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A few nights fly by and everything seems to be still as the girls don't pay as much attention to their phones as they did before.

"What about now?" Lauren asks.

"She's asleep babe." She tries convincing Camila.

"Fine." Camila says and smiles wide as Lauren straddles her.

She begins to lightly kiss Camila's neck then jawline then gently places her lips on hers. "Are you sure?" She asks. The other girl nods still smiling. Lauren laughs and takes off her shirt then Camila's and places the covers over their heads. Suddenly they hear Emily's screams coming from next door.

"MOMMY! MOMMY." they slowly begin to fade.

"Get off Lauren run go!" Camila exclaims and in one swift movement they have their shirts on and are crashing down the door of the little girls room. They look towards the open window and Emily's bed which she's not in.

Lauren desperately heads towards the window and looks out to find a dark figure running away but she hears no screams whatsoever.

"Oh emily!" Camila says barely audible as she had the intention of crying.

Lauren turns around and runs towards the two other girls. "baby you're okay." she says kissing Emily's forehead.

All the little girl can do is cry. Silently cry. Scared to death Lauren carries her back to her room along with Camila and lays the little girl on the bed.

"Don't leave me alone." Emily says her tone higher than usual.

"I'm right here." Camila says and slides next to her and Emily quickly wraps her arms around the older girl.

Lauren walks into the bathroom and shuts the door. She runs her hands through her hair and let's a tear fall from her eye as she looks in the mirror. She cleans herself up and walks back to the bed where a thoughtful Camila lays. Emily now fast asleep. She crawls in next to Camila on the king sized bed as Emily willingly scoots over. Camila turns to face her.

"Camz I'm scared." Lauren confesses. She thought she was the strong one in this relationship but honestly it's both ways.

"I know babe. I am too but we can't let whoever this person is know that." Camila says cleaning the tear that fell from Lauren's eye up with her thumb.

"What kind of sick joke is this? I can't lose you guys. It's not a game anymore." Lauren says putting her arm around Camila's waist.

"It's okay Lauren. Whoever is trying to harm us, sooner or later will be found out. No one can get away with something so stupid." Camila says. Lauren laughs a little.

"You always know what to say." Lauren admits and at that moment she realizes how much Camila has meant to her since forever. She wasn't only a friend. She was stuck to her like gum, always giving her the advice she wouldn't give herself. She loved her and there was no denying it anymore. If something were to happen to any of the two girls in front of her right now Lauren would lose it. No doubt.

"I love you." Lauren finally admits. Camila smiles wide as her eyes tear up.

"I love you too and you know it." Camila says.

"We're leaving tomorrow." Lauren says cleaning up her tears.

"Where." Camila asks trying to forget about the previous subject.

"The one place you won't stop blabbering about." Lauren says.

"But we don't have that type of money." camila realizes.

"Yes we do, my parents wanted to take us so I said why not?" Lauren says.

"I thought you said they wouldn't give you any money or help due to Emily coming along." Camila says laying her head on Laurens chest and wrapping her arms around her waist.

"Well they saw that I was able to maintain myself so they finally gave in." Lauren explains.

"What's gonna happen when they find out about us?" Camila asks worriedly.

"Camz they love you. they always have. I think they'll be okay."

"I wish my parents were able to go." camila says looking at lauren.

"I know baby girl. they're in a better place. They'll be there with us every bit." Lauren says.

The younger brunette begins to remember the day the police called in to tell her her parents had been involved in an accident. She remembers how she was sat next to them on the bed waiting for them to wake up but nothing happened. She remembers how Lauren and Emily where there for her when she was depressed. How they were able to cheer her up.

"I know." camila breathes out.

They sit there cuddled together and slowly begin to fall asleep.

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