Chapter 8

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"Stop picking your nose!" Camila finally screams looking at Emily through the rear view mirror.

"No grites." (don't shout) Lauren says looking at her girlfriend from the drivers seat.

"Babe she's picking her nose that's gross." Camila tells her.

"She's a kid let her be." The eldest brunette says raising her voice.

"Pit stop, I need to get the fuck off this car." Camila says.

"Camz, c'mon watch your language." Lauren says getting irritated.

"Then stop I need to stretch my legs or something." Camila says.

After they took a plane to Miami to meet Lauren's parents, the girls had to make a four hour drive to Orlando in order to get to the park, or hotel. All ride long Emily had been picking her nose and Camila had tried telling her nicely to stop but it was mission impossible. They had to get down before they killed each other. Lauren agreeing with the dilemma dialed her mothers number who was driving the car in front.

"Mami we need to stop." Lauren speaks through.

"Why mija we're almost there." Clara says.

"The girls are driving me crazy." She says and she hears her mothers laugh followed by an ok.

They stop moments later and Camila gets down as fast as possible walking into the bathrooms. Lauren watches her go getting angrier herself by the minute. "mommy I'm hungry." Emily speaks from the backseat.

"Unbuckle yourself and head over to grandmas car, she has some food over there." With a light nod Emily does as she's told and skips all the way to Clara's car. Lauren then gets down seeing as Camila was taking a little longer than she thought she would take.

"Karla." Lauren calls out the girl by her first name meaning she's furious.

"Let me breathe please." Camila says walking out of a stall.

"What the hell was that?" Lauren asked referring to the event that occurred earlier in the car.

"What?" Camila bites back.

Lauren walks closer to the girl who's looking at her reflection.

"You're acting like a fucking kid." Lauren says.

Camila turns to look at Lauren. "She was picking her freaking nose lauren, I was only trying to teach her her manners." Camila raises her voice.

"It's not even about that any more!" Lauren screams. "I'm trying to have a good fucking couple of days, get away from all the drama going on at home, and allowing my daughter to have a good time as a first trip to Disney, I am not gonna let your childish behavior get in the way." Lauren spits and with that walks away leaving the other brunette speechless.

Lauren has never acted like this before and Camila begins to feel frustrated and mad at herself. Lauren was right.

Camila walks out slowly to find that Emily is going to ride the rest of the way with Clara and Mike leaving the two girls alone. She spots Lauren waiting for her in the car her hand holding her head. The Latina opens the car door and slowly sits in, Lauren not even bothering to look at her.

They drive away to the speed of the other car. 20 minutes pass and neither of them speak. 30, 35. Camila can't seem to take her eyes off the clock anymore until she can't help it anymore. Her hand reaches out for Lauren's and she intertwine their fingers.

The green eyed girl doesn't make a move but doesn't seem as mad as she was before. Camila begins to strike the girls hand and finds that Lauren sneaked a peek at their joined hands.

"I'm sorry." Camila says looking at Lauren's right side of the face. The other brunette looks at her then back at the road.

"You were being a child." Lauren says her tone still.

"I know I just couldn't be in such a tight space anymore, it was driving me crazy." Camila admits and Lauren looks at her again.

"Just remember that she's a little girl, and we're here to have fun." Lauren reminds her and Camila smiles then nods.

"Babe." Lauren calls.

"Hmm." Camila hums.

"I love you." Lauren says.

"I love you too. More than pizza sometimes."

This brings a smile to Lauren's face.

"I think we should tell them tonight at dinner." Lauren says referring to her parents.

"Are you sure. That could make or break our trip." Camila worries.

"Positive." Lauren speaks confidently.

"They'll be okay with it." Camila cheers.

"I know they will." Lauren says and smiles looking at her girlfriend.

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