💕 Neighbors 💕

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I woke up to the annoying and agonizing sound of my alarm. it was 6:00am, Monday!
I rolled out of bed and I walked very slowly to my bathroom. I brushed my teeth, took a warm shower, put a little bit of make up on and got dressed, I wore a black pair of jeans and a Champion hoodie with my air force ones.

"ZOEY!!! come down for breakfast." my mom yelled from the kitchen downstairs.

"I'm be down in 10 minutes! " I responded

I packed my books in my black back pack, opened my window, took my phone off of charge and walked down stairs.


I could smell the bacon as I approached the kitchen,

"Good morning, mom!" I greeted.

"Good morning, pumpkin!" she teased

I noticed that Dad wasn't in the kitchen, maybe he was still asleep or he went to work early.

"Here you go!" mom gave me a “to-go” bag of my breakfast because if I stayed any longer I'd miss my bus!

"Thank you mom!" I hugged her and kissed her on her forehead.


I opened my “to-go” bag at the bus stop, waiting for the bus, it was a bacon,egg and cheese bagle. I smiled at it and took a bite. it was so delicious! as I was eating my bagle I saw human shaped shadow approach me, I looked up and it was my neighbor Noah Jupe, I think that's what his name is?

"Hey! How's your morning been?" I tried starting the conversation

"Absolutely Horrible! It's Monday! " he exaggerated and rolled his eyes.

I wiped the bagle grease on my thigh and stuck my hand out so that he could shake it.

"My Names Zoey, Zoey Linn."

"Noah." he said making eye contact as he shook my hand.

His eyes were brown, and had a little bit of green undertones , if that makes sense.

We were then interrupted, by the huge yellow vehicle known as a school bus.

"Do you want to sit next to me?" he offered

I couldn't say no

" yeah, sure!" i stood up from bus stop bench and hopped on the bus.


We arrived at school and I immediately felt nauseous, I always feel nauseous when I'm at school. Everyone is just so intimidating, The Jocks, The Popular Girls even the Nerds are intimidating. I don't have alot of friends, just my best friend, Jae Summers. She's the best!! she doesn't care about what people think, she says she's here for an education and not approval of others.on top of that her confidence undesirable and she's also intelligent.

"Hey, are you ok?" Noah asked with a concerned look on his face.

He could see that I was nauseous.

"um- yeah, yeah I'm ok." I struggled to get the words out of my mouth, I was just so nauseous.

"I'll see you around." he rubbed my back before he walked of with his group of friends his group of friends.

I was just standing in the middle of the school grounds like a statue. People were definitely judging me, I could feel there eyes all over my body. I was uncomfortable. I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt this human body collide with mine, it was Jae!

"Oh My Gosh!!! Jae!!!" I shrieked as I hugged her tightly

"I missed you beb!!" Jae said as broke the hug.

Noah Jupe 💕. fanfiction (edited) Where stories live. Discover now