🎥 MOVIE 🎥 Part 3

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Should I wake him? Nah- he'll probably be upset if I do.

I slowly got up from the bed, to turn the lights off and lock the door, just incase someone wanted to break in or something because Noah is a celebrity.

"Hey, where are you going?" Noah mumbled with his eyes closed.

" Just turning off the lights." I whispered

"Oh ok, just don't leave me." He closed his eyes and went back to sleep.

Just Don't Leave Me - just don't leave me - jUsT DoN't lEaVe mE ... I wonder what he meant by that? And besides where would I go at 12am in the morning .

After turning the lights off and locking the door I got back into bed, I struggled to fall asleep... Those 3 words were replaying in my head like a stuck record.

Just Don't leave me


"Noah, are you awake?" I whispered

"no" he answered

"but you answered me." I laughed slightly

Noah kept silent.

I turned my body so that I was facing him.

"I can't sleep." I whispered

"well, just close your eyes and maybe you'll eventually fall asleep." he opened his eyes slowly

I could feel his eyes penatrating my soul. We were staring at each other in the dark, kinda romantic.

"Zoey, close your eyes." Noah demanded I listened and shut my eyes.

Noah then took my hand and intertwined it with his.

He came closer to me, so that our chests were practically touching. I lay my head against his chest so that I could hear his heart beating.

Noah rested his chin on my head.

"Can you sleep now?" He whisped, making me shiver

"Let me try" I teased and closed my eyes, hoping to fall asleep.

Zoeys Thoughts


I know I've been saying it alot, but I did feel safe.the warmth radiating off of his body even though his hands where cold all the time, his charming personality and his smile, ugh his smile made me quiver everytime.

I wanted to something more and not just a 'one night stand' even though we didn't hook up.

We didn't hook up because we were just friends, but that doesn't stop me from imagining.His probably more masculine in reality than in my dreams.

He doesn't need a six pack to be sexy .That's why he has his curls, to make up for it and to be quite honest, I'd prefer curls over a six pack any day.

Curls are unique.

Curls are attractive.

Curls are rare.

I wanted Noah to be mine.


I needed him to be mine.

But he put me right in the friend zone before I could make a move, even though making a move wasn't an intention of mine.

I'm not sure if he felt the same. I mean we are cuddling, but that's probably because he wanted me to fall asleep.

I wonder what he was dreaming about.



No I doubt it.

I'm probably not the first girl he invited to his hotel room, probably dozens. Some prettier than I am and some even more gorgeous than the rest.

He probably has a type.

Am I - his type?

I hope I am.

I think, I think - I love him...

Does Noah love me? Like how I love him?

I Love Noah because every time I see him, be it a picture, a video, or in person he makes me smile.

I can feel the butterflies in my heart and stomach when someone says his name, when I say his name.

The way he looks at me it makes me feel, special.

but I know deep down, I'm - I'm not that special.

If I was special, I would've had plenty of relationships before tonight,but it's true what they say, "boys like girls with a tiny waist."


I felt a tear roll down my face and it landed on Noah's chest.

He felt it

"Zoey, are you crying?" he asked placing his hand on my chin forcing me to look at him.

I was on top and he was under me,

There it was, those butterflies in my stomach and heart.

I loved the feeling, it made me feel magical.

"No, I'm not, just falling asleep" I chuckled softly, resting my head on the pillow that lay beside Noah's head.

We both looked at the ceiling, in complete silence.

"What's going to happen after this?" My voice cracked when I asked that question trying extremely hard not to cry.

An: If you couldn't tell, I'm Zoey technically, the way i described her flaws are interests and insecurities that's me, even the way i see love and how our king NOAH JUPE makes me feel.

I hope you enjoyed

I love you 💖

Noah Jupe 💕. fanfiction (edited) Where stories live. Discover now