🎂Forgotten Birthdays🎂

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"Good morning, world." I said as I opened my windows for some fresh air.

I walked over to my closet and picked out my outfit for today.

It was Friday, Thank goodness.

After several minutes going through every single piece of clothing I had, I finally had something to wear.

A light pink crew neck, a white velvet scrunchie, black sweatpants and my air force ones.

I brushed my hair into a ballerina bun, brushed my teeth, washed my face and put on some makeup. The usual

I had a couple minutes to spare, so I decided to go on my phone.

That's weird everyone was wishing Noah happy birthday, it wasn't Noah's birthday. I still had one more week!

I checked the date

' 25 February 2020 '

My jaw D

I forgot Noah's birthday.

I ran down to the kitchen, hoping that my mom was there so that she could help arrange a last minute present but she wasn't, she was probably at the gym. She loves going to the gym in the morning, she says 'it gives her a boost of adrenaline' - whatever that means.


"Zoey? What are you still doing here?"

I turned around, too see my dad wearing his night gown and bunny slippers.

I giggled

"Morning Dad, um do perhaps have a extra Christmas present laying around?"

"And why would you need an extra Christmas present? It's February!"

My dad walked into the kitchen and turned on the coffee machine. I followed.

"I know that but I forgot about -

I looked at the clock thar was hanging on top of the kitchen counter.

' 7:25 '
Are you kidding me, I had 5 minutes to get to the bus stop in time!

Plus no present for Noah.

" Great! " I said outloud very annoyed

I grabbed my backpack and ran down the street towards the bus stop.


I got to the bus stop, just in time. I saw Noah sitting on the bench reading something on his phone.

Do I say happy birthday, or do I just pretend I don't know it's his birthday?

I walked towards the bench and sat beside him.

"Hey, Zoey!" Noah greeted cheerfully

"Hi, Noah." I responded very bluntly

"How's your morning been so far?"

Noah tried to make conversations, but I really didn't want to respond to any of his questions.

"Nothing to special." I chuckled

Noah just nodded his head and continued to read.

I felt bad, like really bad. but avoiding him for the whole day doesn't seem like a bad idea.


"So you ignoring him - on his birthday - because you forgot?"

Jae didn't approve of my decision
I just nodded and we continued to walk down the hallway.

"Imagine how he feels, Zo. Noah is one of your best friends, eversince he moved to your neighborhood, you've been inseparable."

"Noah deserves to know that you forgot his birthday."  Jae added

If I told Noah I forgot his birthday he wouldn't want to be my friend anymore.

"After school we are going to the Dunkin', I'll get him his favorite donut and we'll give it to him before the sun goes down " I looked at her a walked off.

"Really? You think it isn't going to be suspicious " Jae questioned

I just smirked and walked off

The last bell rang and the hallways were flooded with students.

I looked like a headless chicken looking for Jae.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, it was Noahs

Why him, anyone but him

"Hey, Noah." I said with a very guilty tone in my voice.

"Hi, I haven't seen today. Did I do something wrong?" Noah had a concerned look on his face.

"Um- I've just been stressed. You know with school and - assignments."

Lame excuse Zoey

"I understand"
I felt so bad, I loved Noah - as a friend, obviously.

"Noah wait!" I called from across the hall.

He turned around and walked over to me.

"Do you want to join Jae and I? We going to Dunkin' Donuts."

His face lit up.

"I'd love too."

As we were walking towards the exit, I got lost in my thoughts.

I still doesn't know I forgot his birthday, but atleast he thinks I didn't. I knew Dunkin' was his favorite hang out spot.

"So what did you get me for my birthday, Zozo?" he said with a cheeky grin.

Oh Shi-

I apologize for the wait, I wasn't feeling inspired.
But that's : 🎂Forgotten Birthdays🎂 Part 1

Part 2 will be coming soon, promise 😔🥳

Noah Jupe 💕. fanfiction (edited) Where stories live. Discover now