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What could be hiding in the bleak darkness where light couldn't penetrate? Many people feared death for a variety of reasons. Some felt the loss of life meant the loss of everything and others believed it was the uncertainty of what comes after death that terrified them. Regardless of the reason, the fear associated with death all boiled down to one action: torture.

What made the darkness so frightening? Was it the monsters that hid within it? Or was it the nothingness that forced the eyes to completely space out? Flat, bleak darkness swarming the vision, despite the open eyes that rapidly blinked to adjust to the soulless color. A fear of darkness often doesn't stem from the lack of light, but the uncertainty of what could be dwelling in the black void. Could it be an axe murder with blood splattered on the victim's tattered clothes? Or maybe it could be the demon lurking under the bed? Perhaps it was even the ghost hiding in the closet, giggling to herself, a cruel and unusual sound gurgling from her mouth.

So many things could often spike the fear of someone.

•♥Sometimes yielding can be a type of power, guiding the persona to wish to head towards your direction, giving him honor in defeat. That is the greatest victory.

♥《principle of 'every contact leaves a trace ' is explained as "whenever he steps, whatever he touches,whatever he leaves, even unconsciously will serve as a silent witness against him Not only his fingerprints or footprints, but his hair, the fibers from his clothes the glass he breaks the tool mark he leaves,the paint he scratches, the blood or semen he deposits or collects. All of these and more, bear mute witness against him.This is evidence that does not forget. It is not confused by the excitement of the moment . It is factual evidence. Physical evidence cannot be wrong, it cannot perjure itself, it cannot be wholly absent. Only human failure this find it, study and understand it, can diminish its value.》

Criminal psychology is an art, not science. When we can link their unusual behaviours with their characteristics/personalities, then we can successfully profile them. These clues might be buried in a seemingly complicated crime scene. And what you need to do is to discover them.

♥ If parting causes one great grief, reuniting similarly causes one to lose one’s way.

And, all we need is forgiveness.

You know, justice is like a deep pool under the moon, in which are cold rocks.

In the darkness, the clear and crystalline light of the water* is always present.
Although there are times when the water becomes muddy, or turbulent,

in the end, the water will settle so the rocks can be seen, and the clouds will scatter so the moon will shine brightly.

If he finally returns,

please, from this time, close your eyes which have harboured tears in the darkness of night.
"Because he is coming, please close your eyes."

♥So, in the end, it turns out that death is so easy. It is by your side, it is in the ugly desires of the human heart.

Death stroked my hair,
And whispered tenderly
Poor child, shall I redeem,
Thee from thy pain ?

Hammurabi’s code says, ‘An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth’? You see, humans… they will go further than just an eye in the name of revenge! It’s because they always want more. Just plucking an eye or breaking a tooth isn’t enough. They need to rip limbs and end lives in order to be satisfied.


• Geography of Criminal Psychology tells us that killers are divided into four types: the hunter, the poacher, the opportunist, and the trapper. The hunter will search for victims in the area he is familiar with and its vicinity. The poacher will go to a specific location to search for victims


• "Those who are the most dangerous are people like myself.We can fight the world fearlessly, Since we have nothing, there's nothing for us to lose."

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