A Rose's Stolen Heart

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Summary: It has been three days since Audrey was kidnapped, and since that handsome thief had released her. It had also been three days since he had given her his number. Audrey desperately wants to call, but is it even appropriate to get involved with one's captor? Jaudrey or Jay x Audrey, and it's a sequel to "A Stolen Rose."

Audrey had waited as long as she could possibly wait. It had been three days. Three whole days, and all that she had been thinking of was that stubbornly handsome, frustratingly cute, infuriatingly charming boy that had stolen her away from her castle the other night.

It was preposterous. The entire ordeal was absolutely insane. After all, it was most certainly not considered normal for a thief to release his target and more than that, to flirt and offer the target his number and name.

Audrey had spent her entire three days waiting anxiously, debating with herself about whether she should call him or not. She couldn't get him out of her head, and she hadn't even begun to think about Ben for the past three days. He had even almost ran into her, and tried to make small-talk, but unlike her old self that would have absorbed the attention eagerly, she was now preoccupied. She had more important things to think about than Ben. She now was thinking about Jay.

Jay. It was such a daring, short, and devilish name that rolled out of her mouth almost like something that was forbidden to her. But it was deliciously and tantalizingly forbidden. It was similar to stealing a cookie from the jar before dinner.

But was it appropriate to call him? Goodness, was it even appropriate to like the boy? After all, he had kidnapped her, but he had also done a very good deed.

And this great dilemma is what was keeping Audrey sitting there at her vanity, staring at her smartphone as her heart and mind furiously debated against one another.

At this moment, her mind had a mostly sound argument. Audrey didn't know this boy. She was weak after losing Ben, and she was not at her strongest where she could easily see right through Jay. He was just some random thief that happened to be exceedingly attractive and did one good thing for her. It was nothing more and nothing less, and her treacherous heart was getting too caught up in fantasies that it shouldn't be entertaining.

However, her heart was beating a very convincing tune as well. This boy had done a great deed. He had put aside the chance of presumably great payment, he had not harmed her once, and when she was at her weakest, he didn't take advantage of her. He was dreamy, charming, and seemed to have a heart of gold.

The more that she thought about it with her mind, the more insane the idea sounded. But when she didn't think, and instead let her heart rule over her, it felt like the rightest thing that she could possibly do.

Almost unconsciously, she reached over to her phone, her hand grasping the cool plastic of her phone case as she lifted the device so that she could tap the screen.

Was she really doing this?

Audrey's fingers hovered over the number-pad hesitantly. The phone number immediately returned to her mind. She had memorized it the night that he had given it to her, and every moment afterward, it had been chanting itself repeatedly in her mind.

Audrey's fingers swiftly typed the number, her mind recalling the combination easily and quickly. She held her breath slightly as she stared at the call button.

Audrey was crazy. She was about to call her abductor. She was seriously beginning to wonder if she had Stockholm Syndrome. After all, that was what had been rumored to have happened to Ben's mother, but it was never official.

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