Perfectly Imperfect

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Summary: When Chad comes to Evie in a complete frenzy over Audrey's apparent stalking of him, deeper revelations are revealed. Chevie or Chad Charming x Evie.

"Evie, she's stalking me!" Chad announced as he stormed into Evie's workplace in a nervous, completely freaked out huff. Evie raised her eyebrows as she shook her head and blew out of her mouth, knowing that this was going to be an interesting conversation.

"Okay. How?" Evie humored him, genuinely curious as to what Audrey supposedly did to him this time.

"She's omnivore!" he asserted, pacing behind Evie as she quietly sewed a skirt.

"Omnipresent," Evie gently corrected and bit her lip to hold back the urge to chuckle. It was all she could do not to laugh at him because she secretly thought it was really cute that he was trying to use some of her big words. Especially when he didn't really know how to pronounce or say them at all. At least he knew their meanings. That was better than nothing.

"Yeah, whatever. She's just everywhere I go!" he proclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air

"I'm sure it's coincidence."

"I don't know so much about that. I could die! She's probably waiting to strike when we least expect it!" Chad cried, and Evie realized just how worked up he was over this entire ordeal that she wasn't even sure was a true problem.

"It's just that... Audrey scares me," Chad murmured under his breath in a small whine of fear as he stopped in his pacing behind her chair. Evie finally sighed, deciding to stop in her work so that she could comfort the Charming boy.

She really thought that he was being ridiculous and that he shouldn't be afraid of Audrey of all people. Honestly, she wasn't even the scariest person at the whole school since all of the villain children came from the Isle. She could name at least a few Villain Kids off the top of her head that were much more dangerous than Audrey could even think about being on a regular basis.

Of course, she did sympathize with the boy because when Audrey had her episode with Maleficent's scepter, she did traumatize the poor guy. Evie turned to her pitiful boyfriend and took his arm gently, guiding him over to the couch nearby so they could get a bit more comfortable.

They sat on the sofa together and Evie patted her lap, looking at him pointedly. It took him a moment to understand what she wanted, but he caught on before long, and laid down so that his head was comfortably resting on her lap. Evie's rouged lips curved into an encouraging smile as she placed a hand on his head.

"Now, you shouldn't let Audrey intimidate you. It's been three months since all of this happened," Evie informed him reassuringly as she ran her fingers through his hair carefully, taking blond curls and twirling them around her fingers as she combed.

"I know, I know. It's just... She's everywhere I see her, and she gives me these really weird looks," he explained, a full-body shiver running through his form. Evie shook her head as she looked at him.

"Are you sure they aren't looks of apology or regret?" Evie questioned.

"I've never seen regret on her face before... What do you think it'd look like on her?" Chad sincerely questioned, looking at Evie as if she would know the answer. She shrugged, honestly having no idea how to describe it to him, considering how regretfully dense the poor boy could be.

"I don't know. Have you talked to her?"

"No! Of course not! She might eat me!" Chad raised his voice in his utter opposition to the very idea. Evie raised a hand in a calming gesture.

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