We Are Off to See the Wizard Part 7

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   "So where's yo husband?" Uma asked Mal, not bothering to hold back a wicked grin as Harry was being painted despite her own current situation with her hands being submerged in green goop up to her wrists.

Harry's tall form was sitting ridiculously crooked in Evie's little office chair, his handsomely squared jaw easily visible from Uma's viewpoint as Evie had him tilt his head to the side so she could access more of his skin as she dabbed on the green pigment. His entire upper body was slumped in the chair so Evie could reach him more easily, and his legs were off to the side.

"He's supposed to be finding me when he's through signing crap."

"Ain't you supposed to be helping him through this stuff? I'm including you in that question, too, Royal Advisor," Uma pointed at Evie, pulling her hand out of the nasty bowl. Evie immediately glared at her looking between Uma and the bowl of goop. Uma rolled her eyes and stuck her hand back in hesitantly, wincing at the feel of the thick paint.

"He told me to go and hang out with E because she needed me for something," Mal easily replied, but her eyes widened as she realized something. She spun to face Evie.

"Evie! You didn't tell him, did you?!" Evie immediately looked a bit guilty and a huge smile came onto her face as she wiped at Harry's nose, putting the green on.

"I did..."


"I know. I'm horrid."

"You think?!" Mal exclaimed and laughed a bit as she saw Evie's face growing increasingly less serious by the minute.

"I can't believe you'd tell him but not your own best friend!" Mal told her, attempting to sound deeply offended as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"I love you," Evie expressed apologetically, smiling at Mal while pulling her guilty look and stopping her work on Harry. He opened his eyes and raised his head, looking around in hopes that he might could escape Evie's relentless work.

"I love you, too, you pain," Mal finally grumbled in response, pulling out her phone to text Ben a good and long rant about how he had better warn her next time Evie "needed" her.

"But I'm your pain."

"Yeah, that's kind of the problem," Mal groaned. Evie just grinned winningly back at her. Harry started to raise up, but Evie quickly placed a palm on his chest, pushing him back down into her chair. He huffed irritably but ultimately complied with the force against him as he moved back into his place.

"You're almost done, Harry. Just be patient. And then it'll be Jay's turn," Evie reassured him, patting his chest before rubbing the green on his chin and around his mouth.

"Oh, yeah!" Gil exclaimed, completely and weirdly excited about the preparations for Jay's costume. He offered Jay a high-five and the former thief eyed him with a strange glance before finally accepting.

Mal rolled her eyes at them before typing her text to Ben.

"I am going to kill you on sight so keep a wide berth."

"Um... Why?"

"You knew Evie's plan and left me to be victimitized."

"That's not a word, lol."

"It's a mix between victim and traumatized. Kind of like killimaiming you."

"What's that?"

"Kill and maiming. Not quite in that order."

"If it makes you feel any better, I'm coming your way soon. If you don't decide to kill me, that is."

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