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Thirty minutes since the two left the apartment together and they hadn't seen any other people. They were probably hiding.

"Wait." Jeff said, suddenly stopping.

Jenny followed suit.

"Do you hear that?" Jeff whispered.

Jenny listened harder. Suddenly, a shot rang out in the distance. Jenny jumped in surprise. She stumbled, and started to fall. Without thinking, Jeff reached out and grabbed her in his arms, saving her from hitting the ground.

Jenny looked up at him, dazed. "Th-thank you Jeff..." She stuttered, suddenly feeling very shy so close to his mysterious yet warm eyes. She noticed his skin felt like leather, but like she was into it.

"You're welcome," he replied, suddenly startled from Jenny's beauty, "..We should probably get going. That shot sounded close by." He let go of Jenny, trying to hurry away from the gunshot and his feelings. Jenny nodded, fearing for her life and heart also. 

The pair scurried down the dimly lit street. Hearing a car skidding down the street, they quickly jumped behind a building into an alley way. Jeffery, being the gentleman he is, put an arm protectively across Jenny. She noticed and appreciated his gesture. The car sped down the street they were just on, not seeming to notice the two hidden friends. They breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well what have we here?" A blonde boy smirked, coming out of the shadows. His English accent deep. His tattoos many in number. 

Jenny jumped for a second time that night. "Wh-who are you?" She again stuttered.

The boy twirled a knife. Why, I am Niall Horen, gangster notorious all over the world. I kidnap young girls, among other things.." He chuckled.

Jeff's courage was almost as big as Jake Rivers himself. He took a protecting step in front of his lady. "What do you want 'NiAlL hOrEn, GaNgStEr NoToRiOuS aLl oVeR tHe WoRld'" Jeff sneered. No one was hurting his new friend and he would make sure of it. He pulled out his own 10 inch knife. It was far bigger than Niall's. 

"You won't be laughing when I take care of you two like the boss says.." Niall huffed. He charged at Jeff with his knife.

Jeff was startled by the sudden aggression and dropped his own knife, rendering him defenseless. 

It seemed all hope was lost when all of a sudden, the sound of pure energy being ignited ripped through the air. There stood Jenny. Light saber in hand, looking fierce. 

"Back away from my friend. You've messed with the wrong people."

Jeff felt a warmness in his dead heart at that word. Friend. He quickly reached down, reclaiming his blade. With a swift kick to his opponent's face, the blond boy dropped his weapon. Jeff rushed him, holding his knife to the brute's neck. He looked much less menacing when he was trapped and cowering. 

"Who sent you?" Jeff whispered, his voice low and breathy.

Niall could feel the cold blade against his neck. A single tear fell from his sea blue eyes.

"My boss i-is," He sighed. "Rivers. Jake Rivers."

"Ugh." Jenny groaned. "I should have known. The big bastards on to us."

Jeff eased the knife slightly away. "Where is he?"

Niall smirked. "Don't you and your gorgeous little friend worry. He's sent others to take care of you. It's no use trying to find him."

Jeff grew frustrated and aggravated over the English boy's comment. He huffed, and kneed him in the groin.

Niall yelled out in pain. Pushed by his pain, he tore away from Jeff. He took a vicious swing at the e boy in front of him. As his fist met skin and flesh, light saber met his neck. Soon his head met concrete. 

"Oh my god, you decapitated him." Jeff was stunned. And proud of how daring his friend was becoming.

"Jeff, he gave you a bloody nose! Are you okay?" Jenny rushed to his aid, concern in her voice. 

"Oh, I'm fine. I've dealt with way worse." Jeffery laughed it off, wiping at the blood. 

Jenny still felt concern over him. She suddenly realized the severity of the situation they were in. The stakes were higher than she imagined. Blood would be drawn, fights would be fought. Without thinking, she wrapped her arms around Jeff, pulling him close. He was startled, but as soon as he realized what was happening then he held her tightly back. 

Warmness echoed through them both.

Jenny Nicholson in the PurgeWhere stories live. Discover now