That's Jenny being a dinosaur dentist this isn't a chomper love story I swear

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Jenny turned around and bolted. There was no way she would have come this far just to be stopped by some stupid dinosaur. She could hear the beast tromping behind her. The pigeon-toed footsteps were getting closer; and fast. Jenny looked around for cover. There would be no way she could outrun this monster. She saw a little hole in the side of the valley wall.

'Please be a cave opening or something' She silently begged to herself.

She dove into the opening just in time for the powerful jaws of the tyrannosaurus to scrape the rocky outsides of the hole. It was just big enough for her to fit through, although she sustained an injury to her arm. As it turned out, the hole did lead into a cave. She backed up away from the sharp tooth who was still trying to break through into the cave.

All of a sudden, the sharp tooth sounds stopped. Quizzically and warily, she peaked her head out of the hole. Then she saw it. The sharp-tooth lay a few feet away. dead. a large rock lay atop it's head. She gasped and looked up. Coming down from a ledge directly above were a tiny little blue-purple sharp tooth.. and Jeff! They slid down the side of the valley to meet Jenny.

"You came back." Jenny stated, tears starting to well up.

"I came back." Jeffery replied, his tears copied Jenny's.

The two pushed away their past regrets for leaving each other and ran forward to embrace each other passionately. Jeff held her to him tightly, scared that if he let go then she would go away again; but she wouldn't.

"I missed you, Jeff." Jenny sniffed.

"I'm so sorry I was such a jerk, I'll never do it again." Jeffery replied.

The hug was interrupted by the little dinosaur rawr xd ing.

"Oh this is Chomper. Don't worry, he's a nice sharp-tooth." Jeff said.

Jenny bent down and pet the creature's overly-large head.

"Hello there Chomper it is very nice to meet you." Jenny said in a very serious voice.

Chomper made a dinosaur noise and nuzzled her.

"Chomper has to get back to his friends now. Let's get out of this god forsaken dino-land and keep looking for Buzzy." Jeff said, holding his hand out to our fair heroine.

She smiled and took it. She waved goodbye to Chomper and they went on their merry way.

authors note
hii I haven't updated in so long but I'm back. Sorry if this one is short or not very good, I'm sleep deprived lol. Happy new yearr

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