The Purge Before Time

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      After the moment of passion shared earlier the two paladins continued on their journey, more bonded than ever. After traversing through alleys and streets, and hiding from distant screams and gunshots, they found themselves on the outskirts of the Southern Californian city. The desertish landscape spread wide, the stars extremely clear and bright above them in the far out blackened sky.

"It's so beautiful out here." Jenny commented, admiring the nature surrounding them.

Jeff agreed, smiling. He inhaled a deep breath of the warm summer night air. It would almost be a cathartic experience, if not for the threat of danger lurking around every corner. It seemed a bit safer out in the wilderness though.

Jeff and Jenny kept walking for what seemed like a while past the cacti and small dry brush. It had become even darker, and it was hard to see what lay even more than a few feet ahead of them. 

"Are you sure this is the right way?" Jenny asked, growing weary from so much walking.

"Yes, just trust me and stop complaining." Jeff snapped, also frustrated with the seemingly endless walk.

Jenny was hurt by his tone. This was a new Jeff, one she hadn't seen before. 

"Can I see the map?" She asked, frustrated tone breaking through her attempted calm facade.

Jeff loudly sighed. He stopped, angrily rifling through his bag. He found it, and tossed it at her. He started to feel bad about his harshness. Jenny hadn't done anything wrong, they were both severely lacking in sleep and judgement. He hadn't meant to hurt her feelings.

The map fell to the sandy ground below Jenny. She picked it up and studied it.

"Oh my God Jeff we've been going the wrong way. We need to go east."

Jeff grabbed the map back. "Are you kidding? We're going the correct route, just let me handle this." He raised his gruff voice.

Jenny had had enough. "We need to go East. If you aren't coming then have fun walking in circles. I'll be back when I get Buzzy!" She stomped away.

Jeff huffed, and hurried the original way. After a minute he looked back, but Jenny had already disappeared from view across this now lonely, sandy badlands.


     Jenny's mind raced. Had she been too hard on Jeff? She began to miss him. The way his dark hair swooped, his endearing yet soulless eyes... She missed feeling safe with him. Now she was exposed, no protection in the middle of the desert. To top it all off it happened to be the night of the purge.

    Soon she found herself inside a valley. The air was cooler down here, it felt soothing. That feeling, however, was brief. 


She jumped out of her skin, shouting a cuss. "WTF WAS THAT?" She screamed, only to realize her partner in crime wasn't there to hear her panic. A shadow came to view in front of her. It was soon followed by the large lurking body of what looked to be a Tyrannosaurus Rex. 

"I'm getting out of here." She clichély muttered to herself. She darted between the beast's legs, running for her life as it turned around.

Thankfully for our fair heroine, the beast was as slow as it was large. 

'Why, that animal is almost as large as Ol' Jake Rivers!' She thought to herself.

The monster continued to roar defiantly behind her. Jenny was alone, terrified for her life, and above all she missed her companion Jeff. 

'Oh Jeffery, what have I done..' 


hey guys is anyone actually reading this? If so please vote or something so I know if I should continue. Thanks! xx

Jenny Nicholson in the PurgeWhere stories live. Discover now