I owe you nothing

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"Is that your boyfriend." Someone sternly says from behind me in an irritated tone. I turn around and am of course met with him...At this point I'm irritated. Like don't question me, you don't even know me.

"Excuse me?" I say with my mouth open

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"Excuse me?" I say with my mouth open... " you heard what I said Alesa"... "Who the hell do you think you are, asking me questions about my personal life n' shit" I say with an attitude. And how does he know my name?... " And how do you know my name?"... "yeah don't flatter yourself, the barista called it, and I happen to have heard it."

"Okay well...bye"
"woah, woah, woah you didn't answer my question....
"Do I look like the type of girl to have a boyfriend?" I say walking out from in front of the Starbucks. "Tuh, and why do you care anyway!?!"... at this point we're walking down the street side by side. He followed me from the Starbucks.

"Did you get my number?" He asks raising an eyebrow looking down at me.

I looked at him and then back at the direction I was walking in. "Uh-huh" I chuckled. "Yeah I got it, you're not slick. You know that right. Slipping that into my clothes as I was dancing." I say with a slight smile. Now that I'm thinking back on it, it's kind of funny. Because it's so high school.

"Well then use it" he says as he walks away to cross the street and disappears into a giant building kissing the sky.

I just shake my head and laugh

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I just shake my head and laugh. "Use it...who is he to demand me. UsE iT, yeah use it my ass" I said sarcastically. I was over that whole encounter I mean I have other things to focus on. Like getting to school before I'm late.

I pretty much have to haul ass to my train. And I STILL almost missed it. Ugh, I pop back in my AirPods and play my binaural beats and read my book.

*40 minutes later*

I'm at school and I have a full day of classes 8-3. Once I'm finished I head to the Library to study up, and finish my assignments. Right as I'm finishing studying for my last test Mike comes and sits down.

"Hey I thought I may find you hear, I remember you always came to the library after class."
"haha yup, this is something that will always be implemented in my routine, I can't really seem to get in the "study zone" at home. Too many distractions." I say with air quotes and laughing at the fact Mike remembers that. I mean we haven't really talked since our classes changed in our second year of college in our first semester.
"Yeah me either actually, but hey I was actually wanting to ask you if um....if you um...wanted to get dinner y'know or something."
"sure! How about now?"

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