Enough Is Enough

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So once I get home and begin to pack the necklace Thomas bought me for our "arrangement" fell to the floor.

I just sit and stare at the damn thing like it's a dog with broken legs. In a way it is. Dragging along weighing you down. Hopeless. But you want to help pick them up. Nurse them back to health. Even if you don't know the underlying reason of the wound.

Anyways, since I haven't seen Monte or Scotty in quite some time they instead on coming to my house before I leave.

"Damn bitch you don't have ANY food in this refrigerator." Scotty says poking his booty out of my refrigerator like he owns this mf.

"Ummm sir! I haven't been here all week. And if you want me to have food I typically spend $70 on groceries."

We all bust out into laughter.

"Okay so tell us about you and your chocolate vanilla swirl with cookie crunch." Monte mimics with a lisp.

"Sis..." Scotty says with a gut wrenching laugh.

"WHO?" I say like snoop dog

They both gasp simultaneously.

"The dramatics"
"Bitch stop packing that damn bag. Are you okay?" Scotty takes the top I was folding and slams it onto my bed.

I finally divert my attention back to the two of my friends who were looking at me like I've got roaches coming out of my eyes. On some human centipede shit.

"I'm fine, and I need to pack."
"Girl I know I haven't know you as long as Monte here but everyone knows after a breakup it's not "fine"."

In a way he was right, but I haven't had time to go through the motions yet because of how preoccupied I've been with my fashion show, and packing on my mind. Plus it was an official unofficial breakup.

"Y'know he's right Alesa, you don't just fall out of love with someone."
"Honestly y'all I don't feel much right now. I really appreciate y'all for looking out for me though, but I don't have the time to dwell on his ass. Especially right now when I have a job to do, and a dream to make reality. And a bag to chase."

"I know that's right, fuck him. I bet you got him blocked on all Social media too." He waits for my response, when I don't respond he turns to me. My face said it all.

"Girl bahahaha, you know the relationship is toxic when you block them. But the sex *chefs kiss* I'm going through that right now. As a matter of fact I'm finna call him and have him shove his nice thick-"

"Yup you're done baby, like cancelled, it's over, shut it." Monte says placing a finger over his lips.

It's reassuring that I have good friends in my life.

Growing up I never really had that. I was always quiet, a fly on the wall for everything. An introvert, crazy because I ended up stripping. But I wouldn't redo anything.

"Okay okay, so Alesa, when are we going to see these designs."
"On the runway Monte. Y'all know I'm bringing y'all to Paris with me. I can't showcase my designs without my babies." I pinch both of their cheeks

"Bitch Me? In Paris? All those fine French men? Foreign dick? In a foreign country? You spoil me." Monte says wiping away fake tears.

"Yeah lord knows you need some, I know it's like sand paper." Monte playfully pushes Scotty for his comment.

I continue to pack my bags as they help me formulate outfits, giving me yes's and no's we continue to talk about our lives, and how we'll live with our kids, and be aunties and uncles.

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