Our Arrangement

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"Come in, are you hungry."
"No I'm fine, thanks though."

I walk in and sit down at the dining room table, I pull out my notebook book and my pen.

"Okay, I see you're ready to get down to business."

He pulls out a chair next to me and we begin to discuss.

"I am." I say with a nervous giggle, I click my pen and turn my attention to my notebook.

I clear my throat. I'm nervous under Thomas's gaze, the way this man was looking at me... it was literally like he wanted to eat me.

"So, I've done a lot of research, I've compiled a lot of information, and I have a lot of questions."

"I'm ready for whatever you throw at me." He says sipping from his mug.

"Alrighty then. First things first, I read that if I were to play the role of submissive I harbor traits of a "brat"." He chuckles at my statement.

"Yes, you definitely do!, a brat is someone who talks back to their dom, usually protests when they are asked to do something. But that just results in more punishments for the submissive."

The last part he lifts an eyebrow while sipping his tea again.

"Okay well getting down to the nitty gritty. As you know I've never had sex, and I know that this whole thing is about being able to push your limits and figure out what I can withstand and can't. I don't know what I can and can't take because...I have no experience."

"Alesa, as the dominant it's my prerogative to make sure you are comfortable and taken care of. Especially when we are in a scene. A good dominant is in tune with their counterparts body, and can tell when something is too harsh. A lot of times a submissive even though they know the safe words won't use them, because they fear they're "failing" their dom, or are to scared to break the scene. Being safe and consensual is the priority for me. Everything is meant to be extremely pleasurable not only for me but you as well." I clear my throat at his last line. He smiles at me.

"Okay, for my own sanity I want to regularly get tested for sti's."

He said it as if was nothing, he was so willing, I thought it'd be more of a protest.

"Why don't you tell me some things you expect out of me?" Thomas says.

"Okay well first and foremost, after we are threw with a scene I need you to cuddle me, rub me, show me tenderness. Especially if we've done something that really pushed my bounds, I want to know I'm still cared for."

"We need to be honest with one another. And open. I know where I stand on certain things but, I want to be able to express my opinions without fear of punishments. I also don't only want to have sex in
Scenes. I want to have some normal experiences without the dom/sub being present. Like we discussed, I want this to be an exclusive relationship, while there may be some cases where we could bring in another person, I don't see myself wanting that in the foreseeable future. So I want us to remain faithful to each other. Also I absolutely refuse 'water sports' everything else I feel I'm pretty open towards. I don't have much more requests than that, but I'm sure I'll think of more as I get accustomed to you. What about you for me.

"First and foremost you're going to have to get rid of that "friend" of yours."

"Mike? But why? He's just my friend."

"Alesa trust me when I say. He wants to pursue you as more, than just a friend. I know because I do as well. Call it... intuition."

"Okay, what else?"

"I want you to quit your job at the club."

"That's my only source of income Thomas."

"You don't need to worry about that. It'll all be taken care of."

He said that like I owned a company as well. Baby...I'm regular why do you think I strip?

"No Thomas, that's something I absolutely can't compromise with. I don't want to depend on you to pay my bills. When I'm more than capable."

"Don't think of it as dependence...consider it me taking care of you."

"Absolutely not. Next request. I veto that one."

"We'll agree to disagree, we'll definitely be revisiting the topic. Which leads me into the next. The attitude of yours, not cutting it. Either you adjust it. Or you'll be having a lot of hard punishments, your choice."

"So change my personality?"

"That's not what I said. Just rearrange how you react to things."
I rolled my eyes.

"That. Would get you punished. Take this as a warning."

He lets out a deep sigh. But I do not give a single shit. What happens if our relationship runs it course? Then what? Not only that I don't want a man to take care of me. I don't plan to strip forever...but for the time being she's what's paying the bills. And she pays very well.

And attitude adjustment? Why would I do that? I mean how bad could the punishments actually be?

"You'll also be required to wear a "collar" although that's not the right name, it indicates you're already taken. I will buy you a gold bracelet since I know you wear a lot of gold jewelry"

"A collar"

"Well it's to indicate to other doms/subs you're already taken. Similar to a wedding ring. Obviously it's different but same concept. To display devotion, and loyalty to one another."

"Okay, that's cool."

"Also I'll need you to fill out a standard questionnaire to give me an idea of where you are sexually, also I'll need to know how to prolly implement punishments."

"Yes that's another thing, I do understand the whole punishment dom/sub thing. But out of the scene I'm still me. Independent, strong, and most of all mature. I don't want to be treated like a child or "punished" if we're not in a scene."

"I understand and I'm willing to compromise, however you are still considered the sub out of the scene, if you disobey you'll be punished, simple. While I won't treat you inferior you are still to follow simple rules like some of the ones I've stated. If you don't it'll be punishments implemented. But you'll see how things really get ran once you being in training."

"I suppose that's fair, if we've both agreed upon the rules I'd be punished for. I also would like to know what I've done wrong before I just end up punished."

"Of course."

"One last thing...since you've never done this before you aren't fully aware of your own kinks your still in training...are you willing to let me try what I want? Until y'know, you know what you want. You can't fully grasp things you like especially sexually if you've never experienced them."

"Well, I suppose that'd be okay...nothing too harsh though...right?"

"Trust me Alesa, I'm going to take VERY good care of you."

For some reason I felt that had a double meaning? I couldn't fully grasp it. But nonetheless I trust him, or I'll at least try.

We both sign the contract and while I was signing mine; I couldn't help but see how attentively Thomas was watching me. Like he couldn't wait for that single moment my pen went to stroke the paper.

"Okay, so I guess this concludes this...shindig."

I attempt to get up but Thomas pulls me down aggressively.

"No! You're mine now!" He says with a deep chuckle. The look on his face sent jolts through my body.

I gulp extremely loud at those words. What did I really sign up for?

A/N the next chapter is going to be an intense one, yeah, I can't wait hehehehehe. Also do y'all like the multimedia of the book. Pics, gifs, memes, etc? Lmk. I want to make my stores enjoyable to read for y'all. Thanks for the reads and votes! I appreciate them.

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