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A/N Heyyy guys before we get into this chapter I want to apologize for a late upload, I hadn't realized its been that long. Sooooo my apologiesssss. And with that Id like to point out that I understand during this lovely pandemic here, most of y'all are probably out of your minds trying to find something to do, and one of those things include scouring the many reads of Wattpad and its glorious counterparts. Please be patient with all of the writers of your stories. No one has been alive for something like so PLEASEEE give your writers some time! Kids, work, school work, bad home life etc. We are almost all anon. And do not know the life of someone else. Be patient and understanding. Not just to your writers, but everyone else to. Be patient. Be kind. (My DMs are open if someone needs to get something off their chest, we're anon but the support is enormous from all of us. Writers and readers alike) Now on to what you are here for!

"Tora....are you okay?" Asked Poppy

She glanced over at him. His face....

'5 voicemails' Tora thought

He snapped back real quick to her.

"Im... Fine" he said back smiling

He looked at her drying her hair. She was something wasn't she?

As she walked over to her drawer, he watched every move. Every breath. He was enamored by her.

"I need to get to work!" She finally let out after terrible silence.

"But you don't work today" Tora replied "pleasee stay home today?!"

"What?!?" Said Poppy "I have to at least see what I missed.

Tora walked over to Poppy placing his head on her head. Of course he had to bend down a little bit more than normal.

"Poppy, stay home" he said

Poppy took in his alluring voice.

'No poppy, work'

"I am going to work, we close in an hour and I need to see what I've missed"

He groaned and took his head off of her.

"Fine" he said "atleast let me drive you"

"I.... Don't.... Know" she replied thinking back to what Erdene would say considering HE answered her phone.

A blush spread across her cheeks. He chuckled

"No one will say anything bad, you're a grown woman and grown women have.... Needs too"

"It's not that.... Its the fact that I didn't come in to work because...."

"I attended to your needs, and you mine, so what if you didn't make it to work, it isn't like they would fire you for it"

"No" she said "they probably wouldn't"

"Okay so get dressed and I am driving you, no ifs, ands, or buts."

She groaned, grabbed some clothes and locked herself in the bathroom.

Once Tora knew she was in the bathroom, secure he finally listened to his voicemails.

"Big Brother Tora we need your help, there's police surrounding Ares street"

"Tora, where are you? You are my driver, how am I supposed to get anything done?" Rang Quincy's voice

"Tora it is 3:30, I have a meeting at 5, come over here"

Quincy again

"Tora, do you have a lady friend? Is it that girl with the cute bottom?"

Quincy once more

"Big brother Tora, the police left, but we need to find out why they were here, you know they aren't supposed to show up here.... Something is going on... ANSWER YOUR PHONE"

'great' Tora thought 'what is going on?'

He rubbed his temples and let out a breath.

The bathroom door creaked open. Poppy looked like she did yesterday, except now the dress seemed tighter and the blouse seemed too low cut. He stared up at her

"What's wrong?" She asked "does it look bad"

"Bad... No" said Tora "you do look... Nice"

"Um thank you"

*bzz bzzzzz bzz bzzzz*

"Are you going to answer that?" Asked Poppy

"Sure" he replied "once you grab your stuff and get your butt out of the door"

"Ugghh" she replied "you know you're not my father"

He walked over to her and pushed her up against the wall. Making sure his face aligned with hers

" No, but you can still call me 'daddy'" he growled in her ear.

Her face went beat red.

"Lets... Go" she let out ignoring that fact that, that had turned her on to no end.

They quietly walked to the car. Poppy didn't really know how to conversate at the moment.

'How do you conversate with the man, that took your virginity? That made you cry in pleasure, be COMPLETELY out of character'

A blush spread across her cheeks again as he opened the door for her.

As she quietly slid in and buckled her seatbelt, the moment alone let her catch her breath.

They drove in silence for about some time.

"Don't let me make you uncomfortable" said Tora finally. The silence was killing him

"You don't" she quickly said looking away from him

He reached his hand over to her lap and grabbed her hand in his.

"You have such cute hands" he said aloud

"Thank you" she replied

He took her fingers and intertwined them with his. She felt a sense of warmth encapsulate her.

She smiled looking out at window.....

Once he dropped her off, he could see Erdene craning out the window to see just who it was.

Poppy refused to let Tora open the door for her so she just got out alone.

He said nothing but gave a small smile to her and sped off.

She walked to the door reaching the handle, and then it was ripped away as a curious/mad/happy Erdene let her in.

"Spill" is all she said.

Once Tora pulled up to his... Home, he rushed inside. 3 voicemails from Quincy was never a good sign.

"Where have you been" came a voice from inside the door.


"With cute butt girl?" Asked Quincy becoming absolutely giddy. "Poppy... Is it?"

"And if I was?"

"You have to tell me!"

"I ain't telling you anything"

"But I have writers bloooock" he huffed

"My answer remains the same"

"You really going to let my career plummit" Quincy whined

"No" said Tora "try putting on some pants, it may help"

'Agaaaaiinnn' thought Quincy disappearing into a room.

Tora x Poppy LemonWhere stories live. Discover now