Nervous or Excited

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Poppy jumped back when she heard the voice.

She turned around, the aghm man of her dreams standing there leaning against the door.

"Why.. Why did you lock the door"

"Privacy" he simply replied.

He walked towards her, she stood there head down, probably to hide how scared she was.

'Why are you scared?' She thought to herself.

He walked over to her and wrapped his arm around her waist bringing her in.

"Why don't you look at me" he asked

She took a deep breath and then looked up

"There we go" he said "what is a girl like you, doing in a place like this?"

She flushed. Liquid courage seeping through her cheeks

"A girl like me?" She said flatly "what is THAT supposed to mean?"

"I didn't take you for the bar type"

"I'm not"

"Then why are you here" he whispered into her ear "And looking like dessert?"

Blushing she glanced down at her clothes and back up again.

"You know, I don't appreciate you looking this good" he said

"And why's that?"

"Because it would make other people want you"

"And what if they do?"

"Well then I'd say they have really good taste, but I must warn you, I want to be the only one that tastes you"

"You're telling me im not allowed to have relations with someone that isn't you? Even though....."

He kissed her lips gently, having wrapped both arms around her body now.

"We aren't together?" She finally let out after he pulled away

He chuckled. Goosebumps sprang to life across her body

"That is true, but doesn't make my statement any more untrue" he replied "is it wrong of me to just want you anyways?"

She didn't even look at him, just down at her hands, taking a step back

"Do I make you nervous?" He whispered "or do I make you excited?"

She had slowly backed up until the sink got in her way.


"Oh come now Poppy" he said now against her "which one is it?"

"I.... Both"

"Ah" he said "I make you nervous for the same reason I make you excited"

She couldn't answer him.

"I already know" he coo'd lifting her on to the sink "It makes you nervous when I put my hand on your thigh like this"

Slowly inching his hand up her leg

"But it also excites you, because Im doing it" he said grabbing her upper thigh and squeezing "and you know what my hands can do"

Both of them could fully feel the effects of the alcohol now. Everything felt heightened.

He had been drunk countless times before but feeling this arousal from the innocent thing in front of him, made him feel almost high.

"Well it can't be both" he said "it just wont work, lets play a game"

"What?" She replied

He pulled her towards him

"Does this make you nervous or get you excited?" He asked her

"Nervous" she let out

"Really?" He replied "would you like me to stop?

"No" she said as she was actually getting very excited.

He leaned down and kissed her.

"Excited" she let out

"Good" he replied

He pulled her legs around his waist making sure her ankles hooked together. Kissing her chest he slowly traced her breasts with his tongue and up to her neck.

She let out a moan that made him want to rip apart her clothes.

"Does that make you nervous or excited"

"Excited" she replied

He pulled her to him hard. She felt him, even through the pants he still had on.

"Excited or nervous"

"Ex..cited" she said in a deep lust filled voice.

She never ever pictured herself like this ever, which is where the nervousness set in, in the first place.

"Now if I make you excited" he breathed out into her chest he had been adorning with kisses "why would you want to be with someone else"

He pulled back from her, now standing straight up.

She really really really wanted him to do more then just stand there.

She pushed into him as she was now yearning for it

"Oh my sweet Poppy" he said "as much as I d love to tear you apart, we've both been drinking"

He lifted her off the counter and on to her feet, fixing her dress for her.

He grabbed the back of her head, hand in her hair and pulled her towards him.

"But I will have you again soon"

He walked out of the bathroom, leaving her breathless.

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