Poppy was sitting in the living room. After what happened in the bath room, she just wanted out of there. She was exfoliated, scrubbed, cleaned and Mad. Yea definitely MAD.
'How dare he do this' she grumbled 'I can't even be mad at him for 10 minutes without him doing some freaky voodoo penis magic.'
She needed to be strong in her reserve, the only way she could process being mad at him and dealing with it is if she stayed away from him. Unfortunately easier said then done because as soon as he walked out into the living room drying his hair she wanted to kiss him.
'No Poppy, be mad'
She picked up her phone, pretending not to look at him.
Wrapped in a silk robe and nothing else she was a bit self conscious. Grabbing a blanket to cover her bottom half better she looked for Erdene.
She came out of the other hall not a moment later.
"There you are" she said "feel better"
"Much" Poppy replied quickly.
Erdene sat down next to her and waited for Tora to go for a smoke
"Get some stuff off your chest?" Erdene asked suggestively "Or maybe you were on someone elses?"
Poppy blushed
"Stop" said Poppy "Im mad at him"
"Can't be too mad.... You were in the bathroom long enough"
"I'm still mad at him" Poppy said
"Fine, be mad" said Erdene "I'm pretty twisted about it myself"
"How could you let him take us to a different country?"
"We didn't have much of a choice" said Erdene "BUT I gave him hell on the way up here"
Poppy laughed she probably did, said she couldn't hear it.
"What are we going to do?" Asked Poppy "our jobs, our homes, our friends and family"
"You're on vacation" said Tora
"Vacation?" Asked Poppy coldly "This is a vacation?"
"Not with that attitude" he scoffed.
She stood right up and walked right up to him
"Listen mr" she said even more cold this time "I really don't like you right now, I really really don't like this, and I really really really want to go home"
"You can't" he said back just as cold, "this is for your own well being"
"My wellbeing would be just fine if...."
She stopped and turned away
"If what" he said Dangerously
"If I was in my own home, with my laptop, and cheesy movies, in my own pajamas making ramen"
That is not what she was going to say but that is what she said.
"When Quincy gets back here, ill grab some of your stuff princess" he said rolling his eyes
"Don't call me Princess" she demanded
"Ill call ya what I want to, thanks"
"No you won't" she said.
"Im here" came a voice
"Quincy" Erdene said happily, glad she wasn't by herself now
"It was hell to get here, but I had no choice but to drive, I could have killed someone" Quincy said dramatically.
He had 10 suitcases and a trunk full of grocery bags.
"My hands are like Jello" he sighed.
Poppy happily offered to grab stuff from the car.
"No stay inside" said Tora
"Now Im confined to the house?" Poppy about yelled "Not a chance in heck"
Poppy slid on her slippers and turned to the kitchen and out the sliding door to the enclosed porch. Of course she didn't get far. Tora threw her over his shoulder and turned to go back inside.
"You cant keep me locked up in this house" she said "this is practically kidnapping"
"Please dont make me use my 'penis magic' for you to listen"
"You didn't say that in your head sweetheart"
"Ughhhhh you absolute jerk" she said hitting his back with her fists.
"I have the bags and as soon as you guys are inside and settled I will be leaving and going to your house to grab your precious laptop"
"Don't forget my clothes"
"Wouldn't dream of it princess"
"What about Erdene"
"She said she would rather buy new everything, you should be like that"
"I don't have the kind of money for that"
"I do"
"No I will not be taking anything from you, it'll make me feel guilty for being mad, and I should not feel guilty"
"Dont worry, you couldn't stop me, and like I said before be as mad as you need, and don't worry ill keep my 'penis magic' away from you."
"I cannot believe you were even trying to eavedrop"
"The birds in the garden could hear you"
"Just shut up you big jerk"
"No problem"

Tora x Poppy Lemon
RomanceI loveeee midnight poppyland and I noticed that there isn't a lot of fan fic on it, you know that.... aghm... kind of fanfic. shout out to LillyDusk for making a masterpiece that I am so waiting for every Saturday. Tora and Poppy are not mine and a...