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"Can I go, too?"


Jimin's the first one who speaks up, and I give him a murderous look. He doesn't even meet my eye, already turning to Jin with his lips tightened.

"I mean—" Jin sighs heavily, and I give him a coaxing smile.

"You saw me, right? I can defend myself. And besides, I might actually be more help than that cripple over there. Really. Honest."

"What did you just call me?" Jimin growls, but this time I ignore him and look hopefully in Jin's direction.

"I think we should bring her." Jungkook and Taehyung says in unison, but Yoongi and Namjoon shakes their heads firmly at the same time.

"She can get hurt. It'll be safer— staying here alone at the building. And she can hide in the same place last time. Come on, hyung! We're talking about the King here!"

"I do think..." Jin murmurs, and I suck in a breath. "I do think you should stay, Seven. There's just too many negatives than the positives."

I swallow, but I know that once the look on Jin's face hardens, there's no use arguing.


"I mean, it's fine." I say, shrugging it off lightly. But I let the disappointment show on my face, too put up an act. And it's very convincing, because Jin pouts.

"I promise we'll be back soon. It might be a few days though."

"I'll be fine." I repeat, my expression completely under control. They were assassins, able to catch a single shift in a feature. "So when are you going?"

"We were planning to leave as soon as possible— especially now that we've taken care of the sidekick." Namjoon says, and I stifle a small smile.

Sidekick still?

"So— now?"

"I mean, we have to get ready. But yeah." Taehyung murmurs, tugging on a lock of my hair. "I'll miss you."

"Yeah— me too!" Jungkook shouts, and a surprised gasp bursts from my lips as he tackles me to the floor with a hug. His arms wrap tightly around my shoulders, and I laugh.

"Hey. Off her, little bunny." Yoongi says, and Jungkook whines as he's dragged away with Yoongi grasping a handful of his hair.

Don't worry, Jungkook.

Because I'm not going to stay behind.


It's been about thirty seconds since they've all left. I quickly pull out the stack of dark clothes I'd stashed behind the table, where it was easy to reach behind and get it.

All black clothes, from Jimin's closet. I'd even managed to find a mask and a cap.

From the moment they'd come back last night, I knew it was only a matter of time before they left for the King, who was at the heart of the South.

A few days' travel.

And since I'd found Jimin was the closest to my size, I'd snagged some of his clothes. Now I change into them as fast as I can, pushing the cap over my head and slinging a small pack over my shoulders.

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