Chapter 12: Little White Lies

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"What do I owe the honor of this little visit?" Cho proclaimed. "Nothing really" she says staring at Taehyun as she nods her head. "He was just actually leaving right!" she said. "Ohh... Yea" he said. "That's a nice watch you have there. Do you mind if I take a look at it?" he requested. The room grew silent as he placed the broken watch on the desk. 

Cho began to observe the watch as if he was a antiques dealer. "Can you hand me my watch?" he asked. Cassie places the watch in his hand. He compares the two and notices the same exact initials on each watch C.M.L. He presses a button underneath his desk. Secretary Kim comes into the room unannounced. Cho whispers to him and suddenly he leaves. 

"Ok, what's with the secrecy?" she asked. "All day I have been having the strangest feeling about something  but I could not put my finger on it. Until he walked in my office and then it hit me" he said. Two officers walk into Cho's office. Cassie tries to intervene but Taehyun stops her. "If you have anything to say I suggest you do so right now" he demanded. 

He takes in a deep breath. "I came here to show Cassie a watch that was oddly similar to mines and I wanted to know why?" he exhaled. "There is nothing to ponder except you stole that watch from my house" he said. "I did not steal from you" he claimed. "I guess you commoners call it borrowing without asking" he says sarcastically. 

"I accidentally dropped your watch on the floor" Taehyun said. "Now was that so hard" Cho said. "Please get him out of my sight" he says glaring at the officers. "I cannot believe you had him arrested" she said in shock. "Tell me were you involved in this debacle" he stated. "You know what... Even for you this is low. No I did not have any involvement" she shouted. 

"But for once did you ever consider that he was telling you the truth" she asked.  Cho sucks his teeth in disgust. "The watch that I fixed for you earlier is Taehyun's watch" she confessed. Cho laughs hysterically. "What's so funny?" she asked. "You people crack me up" he said. "You people" she frowned. "Yes. All of you commoners are the same. You want the life of luxury but are not willing to work and make the sacrifices for it" he suggested.

Cassie begins packing her belongings. "Where are you going?" he asked. "Anywhere other than here" she said. "You laugh a lot especially when it hits close to home. The funny thing about all of this is that's his watch. What you should be asking is who bought him that watch" she says confidently as she exits the room. Cho stares at the initials on both watches .

"Hey, it's a good thing I caught you before you left" Kim said. "Here is the info on your friend and where he is being kept" he said. "Why did you call the police on Taehyun?"she wondered. "Don't answer. Just next time try to have a little backbone" she admitted. Secretary Kim is startled because they never had a disagreement until today. 

As the day was coming to an end Cho decided to go to his parents house for dinner. As he sat at the table with his parents he began pouring a 50 year bottle of Barolo. They noticed he was heavily pouring into his cup. "Slow down" his mother said. The father noticed his son had on two watches. "Are you okay son?" he asked. 

"I'm good. Rather than people trying to steal from me I'm ok" he says. "I bet it was that foreigner you hired" she said. "No. she had nothing to do with it" he says. "He's in jail right now" he said staring at the ceiling. The wine was starting to take effect. He starts to pour another glass. Cho then tosses Taehyun's watch on the table. He sips on his wine and stares at his father.

"What I want to know is why does this watch have the letters C.M.L. on it" he yelled in frustration. "Because that's the watch I gave you" Cho Min Lee  said. Cho tried to pour another glass but his mother tries to intervene and he spills it partially on himself and the floor. 

"What I want to know Appa is who else did you give a watch too" he said in a drunken state. "Say what you mean and choose your words carefully" he warned his son. "Every watch you have ever given me was custom made with your initials. But, this watch doesn't fit me and it has your engraving" he claimed. "Somebody had too much to drink. Let's go lay down" she said. 

"I had a watch made sometime ago and so what" he says. "So what? That commoner had your watch on after he stole mines and he says that it was given to him" he yelled. "Let's not discuss such negativity" she said trying to change topics. "Is he related to me?" Cho asks. The father gets up and excuses himself from the table. "Tell me the truth Appa" he screamed. 

"Before you I had a son but he never survived. These matters were none of anyone's business including you" he scolded. "How did he die?" Cho wondered. "It was such a long time ago. I really don't recall but your mother might know" he exclaimed. All eyes turn on Seo Yoon as the pressure starts to build the mature woman mysteriously collapses on the dining room floor.

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