Chapter 7: Talk of the Town

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As the sun rays beam upon the window Cassie could hear birds chirping. Constant pecking on the branches finally woke her up. A sleepy and disheveled Cassie glared out the window to see what kind of bird was making so much noise. Much to her surprise the bird disappeared. So, she tried to lay back down to fall asleep again but her alarm clock started ringing. "I'm up" she said in an aggravating tone. She puts on her pink bunny slippers and heads to the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face.

"Good morning dear" Steven replied as Cassie strolled into the kitchen. "How's my starlet doing today?" he asked. "Tired" she confessed. "He woke you up" Steven guessed. Cassie looked confused. "The bird. It's an Ulleung white woodpecker. Very rare in some parts of Korea" he mentioned. She stared at her father raising her left eyebrow. Steven poured a cup of hazelnut coffee into his cherry mug. "You look like you could use some of this" he offered staring at his lethargic daughter. She grabbed a blue cup and raised her glass. She sipped the hot black coffee very slowly. "This is good" she admitted to her father. There was an eerie silence between the two. "Where's mom?" Cassie asked.

"Your mother is still asleep" he said. "Do you want to tell me how my little girl became the face of Korean Candy? he wondered. "Actually dad it's called Candy Love, and because I am a super awesome person" she giggled. "It's a long story" she said. " Well, I got all day" he admitted. So, as she begins to tell her story she is interrupted by the door bell. Steven goes to answer the bell. "Cassie I think it's for you" he shouted. She walks to the front door and sees a man in a grey suit. "Are you Cassie Phillips?" he asked. "Yes. I am but who are you?" she replied.

"I'm your chaffeur Minho and I will be assisting you today" he promised. He hands Cassie a note. She opens the letter and it reads, please be prepared. You are a representation of GM group unfortunately. Make sure you are on time and dressed for the occasion. Be professional and have a nice day. P.S. Don't embarrass me signed C.J.H. "I'll be waiting outside" Minho said. Cassie grinned and closed the door. "What was that all about?" her father asked. "Nothing. I will it explain it later" she promised as she rushed to her room. She throws on a pair of denim jeans and a white sweater and her black snow boots.

She grabs her phone which read 8:40 am. "I'll be back later dad" she said closing the door. Minho greets her at the rear of the shiny black sedan. "So, where are we headed?" she questioned. "Seo young salon" he confirmed. Cassie sighs as Minho drives away from her parents home. A half hour later they arrive at the upscale salon. Cassie enters through the double doors and immediately people begin to stare at her. "Be cool" she thought. She looks around to see the rich decor. "How can I help you?" the young woman intervened. "I'm supposed to get a makeover or something like that" Cassie said in disbelief.

The woman didn't understand english too well. "You've got to be kidding me" Cassie stated. She pulled out her dictionary to try and explain what she wanted. Several bystanders begin to laugh and point at the foreigner. "This is so embarrassing" she thought. "Noona. I'm glad you could make it" said a familiar voice. Cassie turns around to see a cheerful secretary Kim. "Don't worry I'll make sure that you look your best" he said. Two hours later Cassie finally gets to see herself in the mirror. "How do I look? she peaked with one eye open at Kim. "Beautiful" he said.

"Come on, you think so?" she hesitated. She removed her hands from her face to see a different person in her reflection. "OMG" she kept repeating. Cassie's hair has spiral curls all over her head. She is wearing a royal blue maxi dress with pink stilettos. She is also wearing berry good lipstick by Pink Lady cosmetics. "What's next?" she smiled. "You have a meeting with Park Ji Yeon who you met earlier" he explained. They leave the salon and head to the Pink Lady cosmetics office building.

Secretly Kim and Cassie arrive a quarter to noon. He escorts Cassie inside the brightly lit building. Everything was basically pink, from the chairs to the walls even the furniture. The staff also wore pink in their uniform. "Someone will be with you shortly" the secretary assured them. Ten minutes later a woman introduces them to the CEO. "Hello again" Park Ji Yeon said as she smiled at Cassie. "Nice to meet you again" Cassie said. "I see that shade of lipstick fits you perfectly" she noticed on Cassie. "Yeah" she blushed. "I am going to get straight to the point. I'm looking for someone who can take our product to the next level. I believe that person is you Ms. Phillips" she said staring at Cassie.

"I don't even speak the language" Cassie assured her. "I can help you" Kim suggested. "That makes two of us" Park Ji Yeon claimed. "What about Cho Joon Hwa? He doesn't really like me and vice versa" Cassie confessed. "Don't worry about him, I will deal with the problem child. I never understood why Min married his mother in the first place" she said shaking her head. "Do we have a deal?" she said. Kim crossed his fingers hoping Cassie would say yes. "Okay" Cassie hesitated. "I will send the details so we can get this started. I look forward to working with you" she confirmed.

"Sorry to cut this meeting so short but I have to catch the next flight to Busan. I will see you in about two weeks" Park Ji Yeon said as she departed from her office. Cassie and Kim waved goodbye. "What's next because I am starving?" Cassie admitted. "What kind of food do you want to eat? he asked. "Noodles" she responded quickly. "Okay. Noodles it is" he joked. Minho escorted them both into the vehicle. "Where to?" the chauffeur asked. "Pyujeon Noodle" she said with a smile. As she sat back embracing the moment Secretary Kim's phone started ringing. "Annyeong(Hello)... Ahhh Hyun. Yes, she did very well" he said but passes the phone to Cassie abruptly.

On the other end of the phone was none other than the CEO Cho Joon Hwa. He decided to facetime his secretary to check on his client. As he sips his sparkling water a prettier version of Cassie appears. "Hello" she says. He spits up on himself and drops his phone. "I think the call dropped" she said shrugging her shoulders. "Hello, hello" Kim said repeatedly. The CEO picks the phone back up from the floor. "I'm back. Give her the phone please" he said in a disgruntled tone. "I heard things went well. You look decent finally" he suggested. Cassie bit her tongue and smirked. "Congratulations and make sure you have your A game after this weekend because that's when the real work starts" he advised.

She politely handed the phone back to Kim. The CEO ended the call. "I don't know how you deal with someone like that" she revealed. "If I didn't then I probably would not have a job right now" he joked. "Well, your a better man than me because I would of gave him an earful" she said. Suddenly, the ride stops. "We're here" she said due to the intoxicating aroma. "What is that amazing smell?" he asked. "That my friend is the best noodle shop in town" she grinned. They exit the car and walk to a table where a small child greets them. "Welcome to Pyujeon Noodle, How can I help you?" she asked.

"I will have 2 spicy noodles for my friend and I. Plus two colas" Cassie smiled. "Coming right up" the little girl said. "I never heard of this place before" Kim wondered. "Trust me you are going to love the food here" she said with excitement. However, 25 minutes go by and they never received the food. The girl comes to the table with a frown upon her face. "My mother said we can't serve you" she said with a sadden tone in her voice. "I forgot to tell her" Cassie explained. "I will be right back, don't go anywhere" she said to Kim. Cassie walked to talk to Hyun's mother. Secretary Kim looks from afar to see the two women conversing. A few minutes later the food was being delivered to the table.

"What was that all about if you don't mind me asking?" he said in a worried voice. "Short end of the story your boss told me I could no longer eat here or he would demolish this place. So, I explained to her that everything is okay. Now let's eat" she said. Kim twirls the fiery noodles around his tongue. "Wow. This is delicious. Hyungnim must come here" he said. "No. That bastard can never come here again. Please promise me that you won't tell him about me visiting this place" she conveyed to Kim. "Sure" he said in hesitation. "Your Cassie right" a small voice said. "Yes I am and who might you be?" she said staring at the little girl. "My name is Hana" she said. Hana stood four feet tall. She has a brown bowl haircut and she loves stuffed animals. Hana is wearing a red puffer coat with green corduroy pants and pink rain boots.

"How did you know my name?" Cassie asked. "Because Oppa has your picture in his room" she confessed. Cassie blushed while smiling. "Can you tell him to call me?" she asked Hana. "Umm.... okay" she said. Cassie writes down her number and hands it to the cute small child. Cassie finally heads back home from work and spends time with her parents. Hana slips the number on her brother's nightstand and Cho Joon Hwa can't get Cassie out of his head.

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