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He was trapped. He couldn't get out now, but then again, did he even want to? He was in the office. The paint was old and cracked and the air had a musty smell to it. It was a small room with only one chair, which he was sitting on. There was a small bin labeled "lost and found" inside were bits of filthy clothing as dirty shoes. Shoes , thought Hunter, who could loose a shoe? He was waiting for Babette to be finished filing all his records and figuring out where he was to sleep and where he was to go to school. He was very smart, Hunter, so as Babette assumed, he would have no trouble at all catching up on the classes he missed. Maybe after, he would get in the gifted program, she thought. Babette called sergeant Scruffy up on the phone "I got him" she said. "Call the search team back".

Hunter waited and waited. After what seemed like forever she was done. " You are to go to the main orphanage building"she told him. And Babette lead Hunter down the corridor, back out to the car. The search dogs barked with joy. At least you'll have three friends at the orphanage" she joked. He smiled. Maybe being at the orphanage wouldn't be so bad after all. 

The orphanage was the opposite of the dreary old house Hunter had token refuge inside.  The paint had been done not too long ago and it was white bright white. It was so bright that it hurt you eyes to look at the outside for long. It was very big as well so big in fact that it was more than five times bigger than his family's mansion. The inside was even more glamorous. The floor was shiny marble and the wall were covered with paintings from the children who lived in there. Hunter stared. His mouth dropped open in awe. Babette smiled. "We like it to be real nice here, so the children who come don't feel like prisoners" she explained. Hunter was amazed. "This is your room". He wouldn't be sleeping in a dorm, he found out. He had his own room. There was a  little trunk for all his things and a grand dresser drawer. One wall was entirely glass, a window. I looked out on the front lawn. The grass outside was unbelievably green. There was a twin bed with a black bed cover and white bed sheets in the far corner. The stained hardwood floor was covered up with an exquisite carpet.

"Now, if you'll please your shoes off"asked Babette. Hunter carefully slipped them off. This was his room. "Now, said Babette, I'll leave you to get settled. You have a clock there. It has alarms. The alarm will ring at supper time. When you hear it wall into the hall, someone will be there to lead your way" just like that, she was out the door. She moved quite fast , for someone with such  incredible bulk. 

As Hunter put his belongings away in their required places, he heard something, someone. "Hello in there" whispered a quiet, raspy voice. You're new here, aren't you. The voice seemed to be coming from the hall so Hunter opened one of the French doors and peered out. Nobody was there. "Odd", thought Hunter. He looked around. Out the window Hunter saw a black sleek figure, dashing away into the distance. The figure had long black hair that flowed while she ran. Her skin was light brown , the colour of caramel.  She had an eyepatch as well. Why was she talking to me? Thought Hunter, and how? Just then, the dinner bell rang. Hunter booted out the room

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