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At around recess time at school Hunter sat down  by the school building and to read. Then he heard the voice again, of the woman with the black hair. "Do you want to know the real reason behind your parent's death" asked the voice? "Do you?" "Come with me" it said again. "Meet me at three o clock, in the old abandoned house,  after school". For the rest of the school day Hunter couldn't concentrate he was excited about learning why his parents died.  

After school Hunter went to the abandoned house immediately after school. This time when he got there, it didn't look welcoming at all.  The day had turned dark and storm clouds loomed overhead. He walked in the house and the door swung shut , locked. Then the voice started talking.  "The real reason is what you want to know isn't it" the voice seemed to be coming from all around the room." Hunter nervously gulped and nodded his head yes. "Good" said the voice. Again, it seemed to be coming from all over the room. "Do you happen to know about Ziggy" asked the voice? "No", answered Hunter, his voice trembling with fear. "She was my beloved niece until your parents came to the house"

Hunter was confused, "what do you mean until?"he demanded.  "I mean that your parents took her. They took her away, and she never came back." The voice was enraged.  Hunter got a feeling of dread in his stomach. " Since your parents took away my only loved one, I decided to make them suffer. I sneaked into the house and shot them both, then I lit the house on fire. Those stupid paramedics, they thought it was an oven fire. But I'm not done yet", Hunter started walking backwards, towards the door. "No one shall use  the name McIsaac again!" Then out of the darkness lunged the woman with black hair, with a knife.

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