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1 year later...

"Who's mama's baby boy? You are. Yes you are. Yes you are," Beyonce said in her baby voice as she fed her one year old son, Nicolas.

Shawn, Beyonce and their children moved in their new house three months after Nicolas was born which is bigger and better than their last house.

Right now Beyonce is feeding Nicolas his food. The family is celebrating Nicola's first birthday. They decided to have a small birthday lunch.

"Mama up up," Nicolas said with his arms out from his highchair.

She picked up her son and placed him on her hip. "You're mama's baby boy. Yes you are. Yes you are," she said kissing his chubby cheek.

"If you continue with that baby talk, I bet you'll turn into a baby too mom," Sky said entering the kitchen and went to give her brother a kiss on the cheek. "Love you Nicky. Happy birthday."

"Sigh," Nicky said clapping his hands.

Sky chuckled. "Its 'Sky' but close enough," she said then she went to make herself breakfast.

There were footsteps heard which were getting closer then in came Sam with Dave on her back.

"Happy birthday Nicky," Dave said excitedly.

"Happy birthday Corey," Sam said and she kissed Nicky's cheek.

Everyone made themselves breakfast and in came Shawn.

"Dada," Nicky said with his arms out to Shawn.

"Your leaving mama now?" Beyonce said as she handed her son to his father.

"You're getting big birthday boy," Shawn said slightly pinching his cheek. Shawn turned and pecked Beyonce's lips. "Good morning my queen," he said.

"Morning baby," Beyonce said.

They all sat down and had breakfast as a family. They spent the morning busy preparing for Nicky's birthday.

"Happy birthday baby," Beyonce said as she placed the birthday cake on the table. "Blow the candle baby."

Sam chuckled. "That boy ain't got the lung capacity to do so," she said and Shawn hit her upside the head.

They all took pictures and enjoyed Nicky's birthday.

The End.

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