2: He's Saved

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Kai's POV

Yesterday carried out pretty normally after me and that guys little meeting. Speaking of that, I never got his name. I really should've thought to ask.

Why am I even so curious?

To be honest with you I don't know myself, I'm just curious about him. I know every student on this campus, but not him. He seems so mysterious, interesting.

Maybe I'm just being weird, I don't know.

I woke up the next morning as usual, 20 minutes after my alarm rang. I lazily got myself ready,  grabbing a poptart and waving to my mother as I walked out the door.

"Bye sweetie!" I heard her call after me. I waved and continued to walk, not paying much mind to her. I got to school within 10 minutes and could already see a few girls waiting for me. I really needed something to keep them away. Like girl repellent or something, I don't know. I sighed as I slowly approached the school. Isn't there some crowd I can hide in? Something? Anything? Maybe if I just talk to someone they'll leave me alone, I can tell them it's an important conversation or something. 

I look around at the people standing around the front of the school and see someone with a dark hoodie pulled over there head, the wire of headphones hanging out in front of them. I'm sure they wouldn't mind, right? I began to make my way towards the figure.

Kyungsoo's POV

Late, again. Nothing strange there.

I walked to school at my normal slow pace, dreading the day. At least the guys came after me yesterday, I wouldn't have to worry about them for a week or so. I was enjoying listening to my favorite playlist on my phone until I felt someone standing beside me. I looked up to see the same guy from yesterday at the roof.

What did he want from me?

I mean I wasn't particularly bothered by him, it's just no one tries to talk to me, and I don't try to talk to them. It works out really.

As soon as he realized it was me a smile spread across his face.

"Hey!" he began. "It's you, that guy from yesterday. Great to see you again." I nod my head slowly.

"Yeah, it's me, do you need something?" I replied, slightly confused. He shakes his head.

"No, no of course not. I just wanted to chat with you, buddy of mine," he said speaking slightly loudly, fakeness in his voice. I looked around to see flocks of girls formed around the front of the school, staring directly at him. I see what he's doing, using me as some kind of girl repellent. I've never really thought about how annoying it would be to have them around all the time. Huh.

I looked up to him, understanding in my eyes. 

"Yeah. Let's just walk to first period together." I spoke. He nodded his head, understanding that I understood the situation, we walked into the school building.

"Thanks for that, they're really annoying." He said as we got into the building.

"Yeah no problem, see you in fourth period, or not, whatever." I replied turning to walk away.

"Hey," he called back to me. I turned. "I'll be there," he continued. I just nodded my head slightly, turning and walking towards my first period class.

Well that was weird.

Kai's POV

"I'll be there," I called out after him. He just nodded and turned to walk away. Kinda cute if you ask me.  I shake my head at my own thoughts. Cute? No, he's a guy, he can't be cute. Or he can't be to me at least.

I walked into my class, lost in thought and sat through it, that guy still running through my mind.

I still didn't get his name, damnit. Well, I could ask him in fourth period.

My first three classes dragged on for what felt like hours and I was ready for a break. I couldn't concentrate because I couldn't get him out of my head. Did I find him cute? No I didn't. But I did kinda. Maybe? No. But yes. I don't know. I'm confusing myself.

The bell for third period rang and thank goodness it did, I couldn't stand another minute of that lecture. I walked out of the classroom, dropping some books on the way, stopping to pick them up. Glad it'd make me miss a bit of the next class. I picked them up sluggishly before walking out the room. All the students had cleared the halls. I stopped by my locker before beginning to walk towards the next classroom before I heard a loud, deep voice speak.

"So we meet again, ya little gremlin," I heard the voice say. I didn't hear a response, was he talking to himself.

"We know we already got you just yesterday, but we didn't put that much damage on you did we. I mean you can still walk can't you?" Another voice spoke. What was going on?

"Well we'll have to do something about that," a third voice continued. My feet were already carrying me in the direction of the voices, I heard someone whimper in pain and I felt myself begin to run. What I saw shocked me.

It was that guy. 

And he was cornered by three huge guys.

I've been here for years and haven't even noticed him, what could he have done to them? I felt my blood boil. They all began to attack him. And attack isn't even an exaggeration, they were all punching him, pushing him to the floor and kicking him. Hard. His face showed extreme pain but he didn't try to fight back. Before I knew it I found myself running up to them, and I did something I didn't think I'd ever do.

I spun the tallest man around and kicked him in the stomach, causing him to fall back onto the ground. The two other guys turned with shocked expressions on their faces and ran away as fast as they could. But the one who was most shocked by this was that guy, laying bloodied and beaten on the ground, his eyes wider than ever, but slowly fluttering shut, a pained expression on his face.

I ran over and picked him up, he didn't even try to struggle. I don't think he could if he tried. I carried him in my arms bridal style and began to carry him away, hearing the man I'd left behind me on the floor speak.

"Next time, you're fucking dead."

"Fuck you, you wont touch him." I spat at him before beginning to run towards the nurses office, making sure this guy was comfy in my arms. Looking down to him, his eyes were already closed, and whispering.

"From now on, everything is going to be alright."

I feel like this is confusing idk but I'm going to keep writing it.

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