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I went to the bathroom to change my sweaty sports wear to my school uniform.

Practice was over and in a couple of hours, our classes would begin.

I went into one of the changing rooms and quickly changed.

"I still can't believe that jungkook actually came to join me!! and..... he's literally everywhere I go too!! strange." I thought.

"Is he stalking me or something...."

"ANDWAE!!! ........ " I tried to calm myself down.

Ah.... it's really hot.....guess I'll wear my tie later and just undo my collar buttons for now..."

Leaning forward, you let the cool Adam's Ale to trickle down from your forehead to the wash basin in front of you.

You look up the mirror and see how exposed you are.

"Aish... I want to put the collar buttons on, but I just can't in this condition..." I frowned.

"I'll feel great until someone sees me...so it's okay" I said and went out of the bathroom.

You enter you partially air conditioned class and switch on the fan, even the A.C's cool breath not enough to cool down your burning body.

You sit on Yongsun's seat, which is directly under the fan.

Your tiny hairs, resting on your forehead, wet from washing your face.

Tiny beads of sweat covering your forehead.

 Uniform lightly messy, collar buttons undone, sleeves of your shirt pushed more upwards.... 

Every single aspect making you perfect for anyone to fluster , just by seeing you for a millisecond.

"I just wish no one comes in to disturb me from relaxing.....ah....after all its just early for anyone to come other than jungkook..."

"Oh My God...... JUNGKOOK-"

I was cut off by jungkook coming inside the class.

His face diverted towards my direction as soon as he stepped into the class cause he felt the presence of someone else., His face lighting pure crimson in milliseconds.

"OH MY GOD...." jungkook blurted out.

Hearing him, I sit in a formal way, backing off from my relaxed mood.

I put on my collar buttons and push my sleeves down.

"Oh shit Y/N!!! Damn it... " I cursed under my breath, my cheeks instantly flushing red.

"I.. I...am sorry.." Jungkook apologized, sitting on his seat, that is, just next to where i'm sitting.

I was completely flustered even to say a word back, so I kept quite.

We spent a long time of silence until Jungkook spoke out of the blue.

"I really meant it back then..."

Wait what... he really meant what...

I kept on playing jungkook's "OH MY GOD" clip on my mind.... no way....no way... is he talking about the me he saw a few minutes before?? oh my god... if is it.. i swear I'll die bursting my feeble heart out....

"I....I...What do you mean??" I asked in a low voice, shyness clear from my voice.

"that you should put hair into a bun...since you have long hair.. you know..."

"oh... okay...sure..I'll do it from tomorrow onwards..." I replied, giving out a light smile.

"it' okay if you don't want to... i'm not trying to force you in anyway..."

"It's okay.... even my mom says so...."

A long hour of silence passed, and now students had started to come in, soon.. the teacher will also come in and our classes would begin

* ring ring ring *

The bell rang and it was last period... my favorite subject.....MATH!!!!

( please comment all your hatred towards math here 👉👉👉👉👉)

After teaching us, the teacher gave us a problem to solve.

"Hmm... this problem... is a little hard compared to the others....so..how do you solve it? " I mentally calculated and a started to solve it until I reached the final answer, and that did not take that long.

"I did it " I screamed.

Everyone directed their eyes towards me and I couldn't but, feel shy for acting like a five year old.

"Well Y/N, since you are done.. why don't you come here with your book so that I can see if your answers are right...." The teacher spoke which made all of them to turn towards the teacher.

I went with my notebook to the teacher.

After examining my answer for a minute, she held my hand and shook it.

"Well done Y/N.... your answers are perfectly right, written without missing any important step......You even beat Jungkook this time... "

Wait... what?..... jungkook? in what way?....what is she talking about??

I give her a confused look.

"See.... jungkook is actually really good in math and he was the one who always finished any problem the first.... but now, looks like you even beat jungkook....Even your answer is perfect.... they are written in the way how every math teacher wants to see from their students..."

 I was being showered by compliments that I thought would continue till the infinity and beyond but, it was cut off by an announcement, which could be heard through the speakers in our class.

"All teachers please meet up for an emergency meeting at the principal's office now...."

"All teachers please meet up for an emergency meeting at the principal's office now...." The speaker repeated. 

"Well class.. since I'm leaving, Y/N will be in charge to clear your ( stupid ) doubts....after all she has her answer all perfect! "

oh my god..... teacher... please stop it already... I can't handle these flattery all at once....









Bless yourself :


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