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Walking through the empty corridors, our ears could sense nothing but, the footsteps and our  unsteady breathing ..

"Guess we are really late.. we can't even see a third soul in here.." 

"I guess you are correct..." Jungkook spoke back.

Walking towards our classroom, anxiety filled my entire body.

I'm sure I'm gonna mess everything up....

I am not at all good at lying... 

its so obvious that I'm lying...

Even jungkook gets to know easily if I'm lying.... then it will be so so so.... obvious for the teachers...

Oh God... how am I gonna pull this off....

"Make sure you practice the drama we have to show.. "

"Huh.. yea-"

"you look so nervous .."

Oh shit.

Jungkook can read my feeling just like that!!

oh my god.. Oh my god.... I feel more nervous now...

 Paying attention to nothing, but just your thoughts of how to face the teacher and convince her  about what happened between both you and jungkook to be extremely late for class , made your mind to do somersaults and your heart to beat faster like no tomorrow.

"You ready?" jungkook whispered, we both hiding behind the door that opened to our classroom.

"I gues-"

Without giving me even a chance to finish my sentence, jungkook pushes me so that the teacher could notice us really easily.. but, he still hiding behind the door.

As soon as I knew in what position I was in .. .I quickly shut both my eyelids close and open my mouth to cite what I have been repeating on my mind, in loops.

The man who had pushed me  before, had started to giggle just  after he pushed me and now, he was laughing more loudly.

Why the hell is jungkook laughing?

Am I doing it wrong?

Am I too obvious?

Aw.. I knew I would mess everything from the very beginning... 

"To whom are you saying Y/N??" jungkook spoke, pausing his laughter for a while and continuing it as soon as he finished.

I opened my tightly closed eyes to see an empty classroom in front of me.

"Wait... where are all of them?"

"I don't know.. but I think what I heard was correct after all...."

"What? am I the only one who ain't understanding this mister in front of me?" 

"Ha ha Y/N you became more cool now.... more like... talkative... ONLY TO ME..."

Feeling all my blood to rush to my cheeks, I lower my head low, not wanting jungkook to see my flustered face.

"So.. I was saying... um... when.. we were at that p-place... uh.... I heard the speakers in a very very low and damped voice... so.. I think... there is some kind of ceremony or an official announcement going on... or.. going to be soon... so... I think we may have to go.. t-there..?"

"O-oh yea.... let's go....but.. won't the teacher notice that we were late?"

"Ah.. about that... the teachers will be busy so they actually won't pay attention....so.. it's okay..."

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