Eleven - Connor

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There was a long pause.

Eddie stared at Richie's conflicted face, so close he could even see his own reflection in Richie's glasses.

"What... what do you have to do to pass on to heaven Rich?" Eddie asked softly.

Richie's mouth curled into a straight line, it was clear in his dark chocolate eyes he was insecure about telling Eddie.

"You know what. It's fine, you can tell me when you're ready," Eddie whispered, sensing the lanky boy's uneasiness.

"No, no," Richie jumped in, "It makes no difference whether you hear it now or later... just- just promise you will still be my friend after I tell you, okay?"

Eddie tilted his head slightly in concern, "I promise Rich."

The tall boy sighed, "When I was alive I used to have a friend... A best friend actually. His name was Connor... Connor Bowers."

The mention of the surname made Eddie's heart sink. Bowers. No way. There is no way this Connor boy could be related to Henry Bowers.

"We were really close... too close. It was weird you see. Over time I felt like I almost... I don't know... developed feelings for him." Richie said, his voice hesitating, shame adamant in his tone.

"What kind of feelings. Friendship feelings?" Eddie asked, not getting at the hint.

"No Eds... like, the sort of feelings you get when... you know... you like, like someone."

"Oh," Eddie's heart sunk even further. He felt so confused, like he couldn't get his head around it. It almost felt as if he was jealous. Jealous of this boy he had never met. But why. Eddie's panicked mind said the first thing that came to it, a stupid thing, "But Richie, Connors a boy."

Richie looked away, almost ashamed, "Yeah."

Eddie felt his face get hot. He all of a sudden felt scared of saying the wrong thing.

"That- that doesn't bother you, does it Eddie?" Richie asked glumly, scared of the response he might get.

"No-no, no way," Eddie blurted out panicked. He genuinely didn't care but he just couldn't find the right words.

Richie gave him a look of disbelief. A look that told Eddie he didn't believe him, regardless he carried on, desperate to move on from this awkward silence, "Well... one day we were at the arcade together, some of Connors friends from out of school came in all of a sudden and... he changed. Like instantly... it was like he didn't want to be seen with me..."

Richie paused, a sad look adorning his pale face.
Eddie looked at him glumly, seeing the strain this story was putting on him to tell.

"Connor suddenly turned around and started calling me slurs. Slurs for homosexuals... it- it fucking hurt Eddie. I don't know if he actually knew about my sexuality but he fucking got me where I was weak!... he humiliated me. Scarred me. Made me feel uncomfortable in my own skin... He made me feel like there was something wrong with me for feeling the way I did. And I guess I was wrong... I was wrong that I fell of a bloody two-faced liar and backstabber... fuck." Richie's face was now red with fury but his eyes were beginning to become glassy with tears.

Eddie felt so bad for Richie, he almost felt guilty even though he hadn't done anything. He reached his hand out and placed it on Richie's shoulder comfortingly, finally finding the right words, "Richie. There is nothing wrong with you."

Richie sniffed and looked up at Eddie's warm, reassuring eyes, "Thank you."

He grabbed Eddie and pulled him into a tight hug. He buried his sad face into the crook of Eddie's neck as Eddie rocked him gently, "There is absolutely nothing wrong with you Richie Tozier," Eddie repeated slowly. The two boys hearts beginning to beat in sync.

Eddie wrapped an arm around Richies shoulders tighter and pulled him close, gently rubbing his arm. Despite the heaviness in his stomach, it fluttered at the feeling of Richie's body pressed against his. He sunk into the warmth of his side, appreciative of the simple gesture. His touch made the room warmer somehow, his future within its walls seeming a little less bleak.

Once they finally pulled away, Eddie could see the sadness had disappeared from Richie's face. The lanky boy grinned his magnificent smile. The smile that made dimples appear and his sharp cheekbones protrude.

"Basically..." Richie whispered, finally continuing but this time with the smile still comfortably on his face, "I- I think the thing I have to do to pass on to heaven is to... to stand up to Connor. I don't know the specifics... but I'm positive that's what it is... I'm not sure whether I have to get revenge on him or come out to him. But I know it involves him... his actions impacted my life and my confidence so much it can't be anything else."

Eddie nodded understandingly, "Well know I will do anything to help you do that Rich."

Richie smiled at him softly, "Thank you. Thank you so much Ed's,"
Richie spread his arms out about to go in for another hug when Eddie spoke up, "No problem Chee."

Richie stopped mind movement, dramatically leaving his arms spread out as if he had been paused by the remote control, "Um what the fuck was that?!" He laughed.

Eddie smiled at him cheekily, "Well if you're going to call me Ed's, even though I've told you to stop, I am going to call you Chee."

Richie had to stop himself from laughing as he could see on Eddie's face how proud of himself he was for coming up with that one, "Urgh fine EDDIE SPAGHETTI."

Eddie playfully nudged his arm.
"Oh shut up Chee."

Hiya. I'm not sure if anyone reads these but I just wanted to say sorry fory not updating in a few days. Its all a bit crazy at the moment for everyone, but I enjoy writing new chapters with a hope it can help distract yall a little bit for a while.
I also just wanted to say I hope you are all staying safe and well. It's okay to be having down days at the moment. And if any of you ever need someone to talk to you can always talk to me. Idk that sounded kinda creepy.. I swear it wasn't meant to, you can tell what I was gonna say.
Anyway, idk how to end this so thank you for reading my rambling 😳👌

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