Part 28 - Dreams Do Come True

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Her heart felt like it stopped, she didn't move. 

"What, like officially."

He smiled and interlocked his fingers hers, the smile she wore was nothing compared the feelings that pounded from her beating heart. 

"Yea.. you don't need to answer, I understand that relationships are a touchy subject for you but I needed you to know, that that's how I feel"

Her bottom lip clenched between her teeth as she screams she held down urged to escape. 

"Harry, I would love to be yours."

Her eyes lit up with the reflection of the stars, their favourite star in particular.  

"Come here" he quietly laughed as the space between them closed, the soft contact of his warm lips gently met hers. She could stay here forever...

The way he twisted her little heart was like no other feeling in the world.

"Did you have an nice time?"Louis added as they walked back to their little huddle whilst Emily suddenly became all shy with her feelings. "yep" she quietly spoke.

They fit themselves perfectly back into the small circle of people, "so what went down- wait let me guess"

Benjamin blurted with a smug look on his face, "you guys are together."

Emily slowly looked up at his beaming smile, and then to Harry's. "Maybe"

"Awww yayy" he came over and wrapped his arms around her head, placing a small kiss on her head whilst Louis came over and gave Harry a small fist fist bump.

It was weird thinking that she was in a relationship, after everything she went through she swore to herself that she was no longer going to let herself get carried away in some boy.. but Harry wasn't really 'some boy'. He was a gentleman, he understood and accepted the moments she wasn't ready face and instead of pushing her at an uncomfortable pace, he comforted her.

"Don't worry Em, I know i'm still your favourite" Niall insisted whilst draining the scraps of his drink into his mouth, the laughter that everyone basked in braught a confused look onto Niall's face. "What? I'm being serious."

The evening sun had said it's goodbyes a long time ago.. and now the goodbyes she was dreading were coming around. It was weird notifying herself that she wouldn't have the company of Niall, Louis, Zayn and Liam anymore but then again, they were only going to be gone for a short spell. Ever since everyone was reunited again it was like they were never separated. They really were family.

"Well boys, I think it's our time" Liam admitted. Moping faces surrounded them as Louis gathered everyone into a big group hug. "It's been nice knowing you" Harry jokingly pouted.

"Alright, your not getting rid of us forever Harrold" Louis' eyes made a sarcastic 360 before laughter broke out once more. 

A couple minutes and waves later Emily and Harry watched Benji and Alex hop back into their little car and the boys walk down their street, greeted by a small taxi at the end through his kitchen window.

"You think times going to go slower now?" Emily softly spoke, "maybe."

He smiled to himself, "what if we made the most of it?"

She turned to his cheerful grin, "what did you have in mind?"

"Well.. now that we're actually together and Bella hasn't shown up in a while we can do couple stuff I guess" 

She perched herself up on the counter as Harry walked in between her dangling legs, "what do happy couples do?"

He planted a sweet kiss on her smiling lips, "we'll have to wait and see"


Emily's question was answered over the next few days, he took her to all sorts of places, first they went to an old abandoned castle. She would be lying if she said she wasn't scared, the damp worn down walls secured an eerie sound as they ventured through the chilling leftovers of the building.

"So this is where couples go for a nice date is it?" She mumbled waiting for an answer, her heart rate quickened once she turned to see endless hallway, to her knowledge just a second ago he was walking behind her. "Harr-"

"AHHH" he picked her up and spun her sound as her high pitched scream echoed around the crumbled structure. "Don't do that!" she pushed him once her feet met the floor again, but when she was under the spell of his charm not a lot could hold her back from his warm lips.

The next place they ventured to was a small forrest, they hired bikes and cycled through the surprisingly warm air, the shadows the leafs created on the gravel road brought back old summer memories Emily spent back in Canada. Her hair twisted behind her once she picked up her pace, sticking behind Harry. If it was even possible to suit a bike, Harry did. She smiled at the little turns his wheels made onto the light rocks that had not been touched by rain in a weeks, occupying himself with the simple pleasures of life.

The most recent little adventure had to be Emily's favourite, they had travelled up north to a quite beach. The sun was a deep reddish as it pulled the light pink clouds with it, they accompanied themselves with a box of chips straight out the fryer from a small chippy as they chatted about deep topics, she found herself growing her feelings towards him everyday as she settled into their relationship. Of course they were recognised more and more but it didn't seem to bother her as much, not since Harry was by her side.

Of course April was now coming to an end and Emily was preparing her team for another upcoming show since the last one the put together happened back in September, the choreography was perfect and skills were mastered, even the dress rehearsals were a breeze but the all too familiar show nerves found a way to crawl into her unclouded mind. She was getting bored of going over the same old things that didn't need any practice but these little escaped with Harry gave her the distraction she seemed to be needing.

Harry knew all about it, the fact that she was getting tired and fed up, Benjamin was giving him all the details. The reason for Benjamins input was oblivious to Emily since Harry had been planning a little surprise for a while now. He never knew the right time to surprise her but just as their long, heartfelt conversation was coming to an end he decided that it felt right.

"I have a question for you"

She dusted of the salt from her hands and shifted herself onto a new patch of sand, "hit me."

He smiled at the gleaming personality that shone through in her most simple actions. 

"Well.. you know I was thinking recently. What if your dreams could come true? You know, like what if that dream about those pirates I was telling you about yesterday suddenly happened."

She wore a confused look on her face then faced the sea. "Like, as if the ship just rolled up to shore?"

He softly laughed, "yea, wouldn't that be cool?"

She joined his laughter as she shrugged. "Yeah, I guess that would be pretty cool."

He hopped up and dusted himself off before pulling Emily up with him. "And then tomorrow, it would be your turn"

Her eyebrows slowly furrowed together as her eyes portrayed a questioning look. 

"Tomorrow night you can finally see the eiffel tower, not from your dreams or on google images."

He pulled out two plane tickets from his jacket pocket and met Emily's wide eyes as they slowly became glossed with tears.

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