Part 19 - Our star

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The boys had been sat there for at least 2 hours watching the Bronze and Silver set rehearse choreography or learn new jumps but their running commentary and support gave the impression they were having a good time.

After the students they were teaching said their goodbyes and left for a good morning full of training the gold set finally got to dance, there wasn't any teaching required since everyone in that set were very close to Emily and Benjamin's level so they warmed up by performing a happy dance choreographed by a professional.

The song was called 'I Lived' and it was one of Emily's favourite dances, she was trying to convince herself that it was because of the fun lifts and jumps but it was because it reminded her of the thrilling chase she experienced with Harry when running from Jake, she adored the feeling of being able to trust him and let him lead her at rapid speed wherever he desired. 

The music started and it wasn't deep with emotion but more bubbling with joy, since it was a group dance everyone was in sync and she got a rush of pride when her arms waved in time with everyone else's. 

Her white teeth beamed through her smile and her heart fluttered in giggles, Benji's laughter kick started Emily's when he held her into the air, the cold breeze pushed her currents of brunette locks behind her as she let the adrenaline speed round her.

Niall's eyes practically watered with surprise, everyone except Harry had no idea what to expect, of course they initially sets there expectations low but let's just say they weren't expecting this.

Liam's eyes were wide and his hands gripped the sides of his seat while Zayn and Niall were already standing. Louis covered his mouth and quickly turned his unbelieving eyes to Harry, he was going to say something along the lines of 'holy shit' but he was taken back lightly by the warm look on Harry, Louis was new to this look but he new exactly what it was.

"Oh.. my god", Harry turned to see Louis giving him an all knowing look. "What?" Louis smiled whilst he shook his head, "Jesus, you really like her". Harry's blush surfaced to his face, he turned to Emily and then back to Louis whilst stuttering out random words which clearly weren't working as they only raised Louis eyebrows. "What.. no...wait-" he bit his lip whilst looking for a sentence floating in his mind to save him from Louis laughter.

"Looks like Harold is catching feels" Louis raised his voice just enough so it could reach Harry over the blaring music, Harry pushed louis to face the the ice. "Shut up", Louis Laughter was still ongoing however. As much as he hated to admit it, he had let himself develop a crush on the cheerful personality dancing around on the glittering frost. 

The music stopped on a good note, her smile was still in place as her chest moved up and down trying to gasp all the air she pushed away with her laughter. The boys stood up and filled the building with applaud and then the dancers continued the clapping with a couple cheers. Emily slapped Benjamin's hand as it waited in the air and turned to the boys to blow them a thankful kiss. 

Niall went to the effort of climbing over a chair in front of him to catch it and once he did he held his hand up in joy and pride. "Great catch!" Emily shouted from the wrink, as the applause continued Louis took the chance to discreetly talk to Harry. "You should take her out, go get a table at a fancy dinner or something" He uttered whilst keeping his eyes on the Dancers shaking up there hard worked muscles.

Harry took in his words and thought about it, Emily sitting opposite him with her beautiful features, beautiful physique and entertaining stories. "Dinner?". His eyes settled on her cheering on one of her teammates busting out a random victory dance. "Maybe I will".

Once the final lesson of the day ended she flicked the switch that turns off all the lights, she watched them lose there lasting brightness one after the other, the only thing glowing was the emergency exit signs and the streetlights glow lurking through the glass door of the entry. 

"Got the keys?" Emily asked Benjamin, he rustled the metal in his hands as he searched for the key that locked the front doors, "yep".

Emily smiled to hear the mumbling voices and the cluttering foot steps trudge towards her, Harry's husky voice tiptoed into Emily's ears as she was caved in his his warmth, "always full of surprises". The corners of her mouth curved once she turned to see his emerald eyes calmly gazing down at her, "WHAT WAS THAT!!" Niall ran up to Emily with Zayn, he seemed to be good at ruining the moment by shouting over Harry's shoulder. They both shared the same level of hectic energy as they screamed. "Harry said you were good but I wasn't expecting you to be mind blowing!" Zayn declared whilst pulling back his jet black hair.

"Thanks guys" her voice was rich in delight. Emily introduced Benji to everyone and everyone to Benji, he shared a more calm reaction as he had the whole day to settle into the reality of 5 very well known guys watching him work but he still had a small buzz of excitement in his voice.

Everyone settled on the idea of a small picnic in the park for dinner, to their advantage there was a small park near as well as a McDonald's drive through. The night was young and traces of the sun could be seen on the pink fluffy clouds, there were very few though as the night was taking over. 

It was a cool night, Emily watched her breath evaporate into the dark aroma when she talked. Everyone was sat on a grassy patch of land centred in front of a water fountain, it couldn't be seen very well as only one of the lanterns that surrounded it was properly working but the sound of trickling water was enough to set the mood. Emily chewed one of the chicken nuggets from her small box next to Liam and Louis who seemed to be wrestling one and other over.. nothing.

"Guys be careful your going to spill your drinks-"

Just as she finished she shot up to avoid the pool of cola flooding into the spot she sat in, "oops". Louis laughed and got back to pushing Liam's arms to the ground, to avoid another spillage she searched for a different spot, she knew exactly where to sit once her eyes landed on Harry, he was sat next to Zayn catching up on their many years apart. "Hey cutie" she joked as she perched herself next to him.

"Hey you" he laughed as she shuffled into his warm arms, she let Harry finish his conversation whilst she rested her head against his chest, he brought enough warmth to make her feel tired and his smell once against comforted her like no other. His voice was deep as she listened into his beating heart, her eyes were drifting off until Zayns sudden leap up. 

"Louis!" another drink toppled onto the dry cool grass, "don't blame me it was Payno!". Emily felt Harry's laughter travel through his body, "so stupid" she looked up to him speaking in his calming hoarse voice.

The night continued whilst Emily and Harry finished a conversation about travelling to the places they have dreamt about since they were kids, "yea, i have always wanted to go to Paris but i just can't afford it yet so it's still a plan waiting to spark into action", she felt him smile once she finished talking. 

A comforting silence ended their conversation and it lingered for many minutes until she felt Harry's hand move, her eyes fluttered open.

"Look, it's our favourite."

He was pointing towards the north star shining beautifully in the dark sheet of night, a smile played on her face as she reminded herself of the first night they met, how he comforted her, he took her in and provided her with not only a place to stay but a dear friend she would cherish forever. Harry Styles and that North star, the star that put all the others to shame with its glittering light was what saved her from her horror filled past.

"You remembered?."

He smiled and looked down at her.

"How could i forget."

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