Part 31 - You're My North Star

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(A/N: This chapter contains mature themes)

Her lips pressed against his, with more intention this time. 

A couple little smiles played onto her lips but they soon transformed to little moans, the sound of them sparked Harry's hands to slowly caress up her silk skin, her hair brushed past her heating face as Harry slipped off her hoodie. With no time wasted Emily met her lips with Harry's again, it was deeper, and even more passionate. The breaths they stole were deep, but the feeling were deeper, he handled her with so much care, so much compassion. He flipped her over so he was now on top, before continuing the connection of their lips he threw his hoodie on top of hers, her hands wandered down his perfectly sculpted stomach as he met her again. 

One thing led to another, she was at the point where she found herself bailing out last time, but now she was eager to continue...

"Are you ok with this?" he gently purred into her ear, she nodded her head letting herself melt into his accent. He quickly hopped off of her to get a condom out of his toilet bag since you never know what's going to go down on a holiday. 

The butterflies restarted in her stomach once he gently hovered over her, a feeling that was so oblivious and avoided bubbled all over her for the first time in years.. and she knew exactly what it was.


After the moments passed they sat in the silence of their breathing, she stared at him in awe, a perfectly straight angle positioned itself at the bone of his jaw as he paced his breaths, he turned to see her beautiful blue eyes peer through her dark lashes. He made her feel things he promised himself he would block out.

A smile grew on her lips, mirroring Harry's. "wow, time has really flew past us" she followed his gaze onto the traces of pink painted clouds the sun had left behind after its long day brightening up the earth. She propped herself up so she could properly gaze out onto the city, "you ready to go live your dream?" he quietly yet sarcastically mentioned, she threw her pillow at him, muffling his giggles. 

Her brush tackled its way through her tangled locks as she gazed over her outfit in a large mirror above the bathroom sink, her striped playsuit draped over her body accompanied by a black denim jacket, as her eyes dashed over the material they found the scars and bruises that hadn't left her skin for months, the worst part about them was who put them there in the first place.

Harry tied the laces of his vans before noticing the trouble look painted across Emily's face, he walked towards her and squeezed her in a silly hug, she looked at their reflections, Harry's scrunched face brought a smile to her pink lips. "Ready?" she faced him with a buzzing look on her face. "yep."

The night air seemed to be more chilled now, they walked for short period of time but Harry quickly took the opportunity to stop before turning the last corner, Emily was eager to jump behind the stone building the hid behind so she was finally faced with the tower and all its glories. "You know it's standing right behind this wall" he quickly noted, Emily silently nodded her head as the ambition that waited in her legs to take another two steps fired up inside of her. 

His hand gently pulled her onto the deserted road that trailed up to the tall, glittering structure, her eyes instantly started to water as her finger tips briefly covered her gasping mouth. There it stood, dazzled in flickering lights which competed with the brightly dispersed stars, it was nothing like she ever imagined. Life didn't feel real at that point, she felt like she was floating, that her weight was lighter than a feathers.

"Ha-, Harry" her hand gripped onto his hoodie sleeve, it literally felt like her heart forgot how to beat. "It's pretty cool huh?" 

A quick breath of laughter escaped her as the excitement that had shot her still tickled inside her once again, "oh my god it's so.. so.. crazy" she took a hold of Harry's hand as she excitedly skipped down the abandoned street.

As they approached the base of the tower, small and crackly speakers announced the time with a little chime and then proceeded with yet another Louis Armstrong song.

"Wow they really like this guy" Harry chuckled, "why wouldn't you, Armstrong's a legend" she responded whilst taking both of his hands, gently reeling him in and out in time with the music.

"Oh so we're dancing now?" he questioned with a humorous tone to his deep voice as he spun her round, "I guess so" she quietly giggled, he pulled her close and let her lay her head gently on his chest, they swayed like a small boat on a quiet ocean, his heart beat kept her listening and peaceful. 

Harry treasured the precious moment he was currently living as he felt her gentle breaths brush across his chest, his eyes glimpsed toward the sparkling sky, there it was again. Their star.

He laughed to himself leaving Emily questioning, "what?" he looked down at her smiling cheeks and shook his head, "it's nothing." She brushed it off and continued living the little fairy tail she found herself in. 

The moment carried on leaving them in an unrealistically magical state of mind, as Emily felt she was dancing on clouds she woke herself up from her daydream to Harry's soft voice.

"You're my north star."

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