𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐚𝐧 [ɴᴀʀʀᴀᴛɪᴏɴ]

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"I wish my next love to be an ocean that doesn't drown me," Jungkook whispered to the moon, his only companion on his now lonely nights.

Just some months ago, he was cuddling with his lover under the same stars. A different feeling from the one he was currently experiencing, and he was sure he wasn't enjoying it. He thinks and thinks and curses himself for how stupid he was, so lovestruck that he numbed the obvious signs the younger never loved him.

Kim Yugyeom, a handsome and talented man. There was nothing the man couldn't get. Jungkook was warned about the other's antics, playing around with others and then breaking them. But, the younger by months still managed to infiltrate Jungkook's heart. He fell hard for the other male.

Everything changed when they made it to the bed, it was Jungkook's first time and he thought it would be special. He was proved otherwise when Yugyeom got his pleasure and then left the elder alone in the dorm, to clean and ponder on his previous actions, wondering if he did something wrong.

After that, everything was even worse. Yugyeom started making excuses to not hang out and only came to the elder for sex. It was bizarre how Jungkook would have still done everything the younger asked him for without hesitation.

The heartbreak took place when the elder man decided to visit Yugyeom's house since they hadn't seen each other for weeks. As soon as he walked in, he heard it, the moans and skin slapping together. He opened the door with a slam and took everything out of Yugyeom's closet, his belongings and little things he had there.

The younger started sobbing, but they both knew it was fake. Ignoring him as the other two hastily put on their clothes, he walked out of the apartment with his middle finger raised high and proud. But as soon as he was out of the apartment and in the comfort of his home, he broke down.

He skipped classes and ignored everyone, even his best friend. He no longer felt the need to eat, or shower, just sleep. Taehyung was always so worried for Jungkook, but the younger did nothing but ignore him.

He thought about his feelings as an ocean. It was all calm at first, serenity clouding all his senses. But suddenly everything became rough and the waves turned violent. He raised his hand, expecting Yugyeom to grab him, but he only felt the water pull him down more and more. In the end, his lungs didn't receive the much-needed oxygen and he drowned.

Jungkook was so into his poetic thoughts that he didn't hear the harsh knocks on the front door and the quick steps rushing to his room. He snapped out of his stupor when he felt the bed dip beside him and arms wrap comfortingly around his waist. For a second, he wondered if they were Yugyeom's. But, the feeling was different, more comforting and emitted more safety to the younger.

"I was worried, why have you been ignoring me? You could have at least warned me that you weren't coming to school, Jungkook." The familiar deep voice spoke up, breaking the silence that had settled upon the room. "I love you, okay? He never deserved you in the first place."

That's all it took for the younger to break down, trying to snuggle further into Taehyung's arms. His shoulders rocked up and down while his pillow was getting soaked. He felt the elder tighten his grip and bury his face into his hair.

"I maybe have beaten him up when I saw him kissing that one cheerleader that always has her legs spread open. The other guys had to hold me back. Oh, and Jimin spit on him." Taehyung whispered, his words coming out a little muffled because of Jungkook's hair, but clear enough for the younger to understand.

"You didn't have to do that, you know? I should have listened to you in the first place. You did warn me the most, after all." Jungkook whispered back, neither of them knew why they were speaking in such hushed tones, there was nobody else that could hear them. "I had sex with him, and then he started treating me horribly. After not talking for weeks, I went to his house and heard him fucking with a girl. I just took my things and left while giving them the middle finger."

"That's my boy, I always knew you were too fucking amazing for him. He never deserved you, Jungkookie." Taehyung said after a chuckle because of the younger's actions.

"Tae, kiss me," Jungkook whispered after some minutes of silence.

"No. I'm not gonna kiss you when you're like this. I might love you but I refuse to be a rebound, baby."

It had always been like that for them, their friendship was beyond anyone else's. They had been each other's first kiss and makeout sessions. Always had been overly touchy and possessive over one another. But they had never dated, in fear that they would break up and lose each other. They both knew they had underlying feelings for the other, but they have never acknowledged it. Stealing kisses and being jealous was how they rolled, but never to a toxic point.

Silence settled over them again, but their hearts did all the talking. They never wanted their feelings to take over them, but it was too late. Jungkook knew he was over Yugyeom, but him being his first 'serious' relationship, it still stung that he was stomped on like that.

And even without knowing, they were both ready to be with each other. Their hearts had been waiting too long, and their feelings were waiting to be spilt. The comfort they found in the other, the intense happiness they felt, it was not normal.

Now, they had to wait. Have the patience to make sure it would work.

And it sure as hell did.

(A/N: so i was thinking about writing the book, but i still have some thoughts. i've tried writing a long book before and it was kind of a mess, i want you guys to have an amazing experience while reading and want you to think of this as a good ride. i refuse to make a half-assed book, so i want to take a bit longer with the process. some of it has been planned out, and you guys could pick if you want a sad or happy ending. i wanted to make it sad, but that can be saved for another work, if i make another.)

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