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We're weeks away from graduation and things have been so tense since Lauren had to go back to her parents. The night she was taken back I saw all the light in her eyes drain out and was immediately replaced by dullness. She was clearly so unhappy with going back to her parents that it broke my heart to know that I couldn't stop it no matter how many times I said that Mike and Clara were horrible people. My parents just kept saying that it was the right thing to do, but was it really? Was giving her back to neglectful parents actually the right thing to do? I don't think so.


Stopping what I was doing I looked up and smiled at her. "Hey Lauser is everything ok?" I asked softly. Lauren shrugged as she snuggles into me and wrapped her arm around my waist. "Honestly I don't know. Mean since I've been home things have been so tense and I really just can't wait to leave for college." She mutters.

I nodded as I gently ran my fingers through her hair. "I know things are hard right now but remember we have plans after school on Friday and I can't wait to take you." I told her. Lauren giggled as she kissed my cheek. "You're amazing DJ."

Walking back to class things were quiet between Lauren and I but that was fine. We've spent hours not talking before and it's actually been good. I think for both of us we really just like being around each and it's nice to have someone who's really trying to understand you.

"Have you talked to your parents yet?" She asked.

I shook my head as I rolled my eyes. "Nope. I've wanted to but I knew I'd let my anger get to me so I just kept to myself." I told her. Soft green eyes looked at me as she gently locks our fingers together. "D I know you're upset with them but don't ice them out." She said. "Just talk to them babe."

Sitting in class I thought about what Lauren said and she's right but I'm not even sure how to go about talking to them. Like I want to because my parents and I have always had a great relationship but things are tense right now and I'm not sure if talking to them right now is such a good idea.


Walking out of my last class I smiled when I saw Lauren standing by my locker. She looked sad. "Hey are you ok?" I asked. She didn't say anything as she hands me a piece of paper that had been folded. Knotting my eyebrows together I opened it up and read it.

I see you're back. Well don't expect things to be good for you because I'm going to make sure to ruin your life before we graduate.

I knew that handwriting and once I looked up to see Lucy smirking at us I knew she was up to absolutely no good. Crumbling up the note I looked at Lauren. "Ignore her Lauren because as long as I'm here she won't do anything." I told her. She nods "I hope you're right."

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