Chapter 3: Comrades Turned Family

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After talking to his father, Captain Ri felt encouraged and relieved knowing that his parents will support him no matter which path he will take in life.

Chief Kim knocked and entered the room.

"Thank you for allowing me to speak with my father, Chief Kim. It means a lot to me", Jeong Hyeok gratefully said.

"You're welcome," Chief Kim answered. They both sat down for a conversation. "How was the call?", Chief Kim asked.

"Good. Abeonim and I were able to clarify things," Jeong Hyeok answered. "If it's not too much. May I ask why you are doing this?", he curiously asked Chief Kim.

"May I tell you a story?", he asked. Jeong Hyeok nodded.

"My father was Chairman Yoon Jeung-Pyeong's best friend. My parents used to work for Queens Corporation. While on a business trip, their plane accidentally crashed, and they were both killed in an instant. As a young boy, I could not fully comprehend what happened. All I know was that my parents went to heaven and I will not see them for a long time", Chief Kim told Jeong Hyeok.

"Ever since then, it was Chairman Yoon who took care of me. He paid for my school tuition, gave me sufficient money for my daily expenses, and he made sure that I will not have to worry about securing my future. From that day forward, I told myself that I will do everything to always be good to Chairman Yoon and someday, be able to pay him back for everything he has done for me and for my parents.", he said.

"I cannot say that I know everything about him. Some people think he is a bad person because of some things he did in the past but, for me, I will always look at him as someone who I was able to turn to when I needed someone to lean on the most.", Chief Kim endearingly said.

"That's why I'm doing this. I won't be able to pay him everything I owe him but, I will pay it forward by doing everything I can to protect Yoon Se-ri and make sure she is happy.", he told Ri Jeong Hyeok.

Ri Jeong Hyeok was grateful for Chief Kim and the things he has done for him and for his comrades. "Thank you. I am sure it's not easy nor it's safe to do this but, I am thankful for all the things you have done for Yoon Se-ri, my comrades, and me.", he said.

"I know you are eagerly waiting for my decision. If it's not burdensome for you, I would like to meet with my comrades to speak with them about my decision.", Captain Ri requested.

Chief Kim sighed and looked at Captain Ri and said, "Okay. I will allow you to meet them but, you may only talk with them for an hour. That's all I can give you and your comrades."

Overjoyed with his approval Captain Ri answered, "That's all I need. Thank you."


In one of the meeting rooms at the National Intelligence Service Headquarters, Captain Ri Jeong Hyeok, Pyo Chi Su, Kim Ju Meok, Park Gwang Beom, Geum Eun-Dong, and Jung Man Bok were all seated and facing each other.

"Have you all been well?", Captain Ri asked them.

"Yes Sir", they responded.

"I requested for permission to speak with all of you. I have been informed by Chief Kim that you have all been asked if you would like to stay and settle here. I know that this question is part of their standard process. However, I would like to know your thoughts about it.", Captain Ri said.

They looked at each other, stunned with the question their Captain asked them.

"Don't be afraid. You can speak up. I was also asked the same question.", he assured them.

"Ehem", Pyo Chi Su prepared to speak up. "Captain Ri, I know that what happened to Yoon Se-ri will not stop right away. There will still be people who will plan to attack her. So, I am informing you that I have thought about this decision.", Pyo Chi Su said as he looked at Captain Ri and his comrades.

"I don't really have a family to go back to and I know that you will be worried about Yoon Se-ri every now and then. I just want you to feel secured and that is why my decision is to stay here." Pyo Chi Su said.

Captain Ri is overwhelmed by Pyo Chi Su's decision and said, "Master Sgt. Pyo Chi Su, thank you for being honest and for thinking about us. I am grateful for your decision. If that is what you want, then I will support you. I hope and pray for the best in this journey you will take but, don't be mean all the time to Yoon Se-ri."

"Hmp...She wish!", Pyo Chi Su jokingly said.

"Captain Ri", Kim Ju Meok said. "I have also thought about my decision ever since Master Sgt. Pyo Chi Su talked to us about it. I have also decided to stay.", Ju Meok informed Ri Jeong Hyeok.

Captain Ri jokingly told Ju Meok, "I hope that it is not for Actress Choi Ji-Woo or the Korean Dramas."

They all laughed, and Kim Ju Meok said, "Well, more than that Captain Ri, I was also thinking of Yoon Se-ri and how she will be lonely when we leave. You will constantly think if she is healthy or happy and I don't want you to constantly worry about her. I was thinking that if we are here with her, you will not be too worried."

Captain Ri smiled at Ju Meok and simply said, "Thank you for thinking about Yoon Se-ri and me but, I don't want to burden you and Pyo Chi—"

"We don't feel that way. We chose this path because this is what feel is meant for us.", Pyo Chi Su interrupted Captain Ri

"That's right, Captain Ri.", Ju Meok agreed with Pyo Chi Su. "While I will miss my family, I know this is what I want for myself. I don't want to be selfish but, I also want to think about myself.", Ju-Meok said.

Captain Ri smiled at Pyo Chi Su and Kim Ju Meok. "Is there anybody else who would like to inform me of their decision?", Captain Ri asked.

Jung Man Bok, Geum Eun-Dong, and Park Gwang Beom shake their heads and said no.

"Then, I'd like to inform you my decision.", Captain Ri said. They all looked at him as he continued. "My heart belongs to Yoon Se-ri and there is nothing more that I could ask for than to know that she is safe, healthy and happy always. I would like to stay—", Captain Ri told them. They all stared at him at the same time.

"But, I also have accountabilities and responsibilities back home. I can't be selfish and not think of my family and my comrades.", tears started falling from Ri Jeong Hyeok's eyes. "As heartbreaking as it is, I must leave Yoon Se-ri—temporarily. Maybe someday, if fate is on our side, we will find our way back to each other again. So, I thank you Pyo Chi Su and Kim Ju Meok for informing me your decision. Jung Man Bok, Park Gwang Beom, and Geum Eun-Dong, thank you as well. I will not be able to protect the woman that I love if it weren't for all of you. I guess I am also here to tell you that, I owe my life and my happiness to all of you.", Captain Ri said.

Ri Jeong Hyeok stood up and his comrades immediately did as well.

Captain Ri bowed in gratitude to his comrades and they saluted him with much love and respect.

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