Chapter 9: Unexpected Surprise

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Yoon Se-ri arrived at her house from her trip to Switzerland. Kim Ju Meok heard the doorbell rang and saw Se-ri with her luggage. He hurriedly went to the door to assist Yoon Se-ri.

"You're back! Did you have great time?" he asked Se-ri.

"Yes, I did. I also brought back some souvenirs for you and Pyo Chi Si," she said smiling at Kim Ju Meok.

"Omma! Really? You're too kind Se-ri", Kim Ju Meok said smiling at Yoon Se-ri. "You're just right in time, Pyo Chi Su prepared lunch, I bet you're hungry," he told Se-ri.

She nodded and smiled as they made their way inside the house.

While eating their lunch, Pyo Chi Su noticed that Yoon Se-ri can't stop smiling.

"So, how was your trip? Did you enjoy it this time?. . .Ahmm. . .Did Captain Ri show up?" Pyo Chi Su asked.

Kim Ju Meok is anticipating Yoon Se-ri's answer.

"You guys. You know I can't hide it from you," she excitedly said. "Yes, he was there. He finally showed up," she happily announced.

Kim Ju Meok and Pyo Chi Su jumped for joy and did a happy dance. Yoon Se-ri is laughing really hard. She continues to tell them everything that happened. Overjoyed, Ju Meok and Chi Su hugged Yoon Se-ri because finally, destiny was truly on their side.


"Eomma!", Ri Jeong Hyeok called her mother who was reading the newspaper.

"Jeong Hyeok, you're back!", she excitedly walked towards him and gave him a big hug.

"How was it? Did you have fun?", his mother probing him with details.

He just hugged her and gave her a big smile.

Director Ri knew by just looking at his son's smile that he reunited with Yoon Se-ri once more. He showed a grateful smile from a far.

"Ay! Ay! Ay! I sent you there to learn about the scholarship program. But it looks like you got more cozy with one of the directors," Director Ri teased Jeong Hyeok.

They all looked at each other and burst into laughter. Once again, the fun and lighter atmosphere of Ri family house is back.


Yoon Se-ri is in the conference room meeting with her team about the upcoming Inter-Korean Sports Tournament that is happening in two months.

"I really like the designs you have all prepared for our proposal to the government. So, while we endorse this to the tournament committee officials, I want the marketing team to prepare all the products we will be bringing for the event booth," she told the whole team.

"By the way, have we already emailed the sponsorship agreement to the tournament officials?" Se-ri asked the Marketing Manager.

"Yes, Ms. Yoon, everything is all set," the Marketing Manager replied.

"That's great. I will just let you know about their feedback. We're done for today. Thank you everyone for your hard work," Yoon Se-ri ended the meeting.

Pyo Chi Su entered the conference room while Kim Ju Meok stayed behind as well.

"Do you guys think Ri Jeong Hyeok will be there?" she asked both of them.

"We really can't be sure about that but, you may be able to see Director Ri during the event," Pyo Chi Su.

"That's for sure since he is the Director of General Political Bureau," Kim Ju Meok agreed.

"Anyway, I don't want to overthink things. Let's just prepare really well. You guys are also coming with me," Se-ri told them.

They both nodded in agreement.


Inside Captain Ri's apartment, he is having dinner with Jung Man Bok, Park Gwang Beom, and Geum Eun Dong.

"We are really happy that finally saw Yoon Se-ri once again in Switzerland Captain Ri," Eun Dong said. "I miss my sister," he added.

"She misses you guys too. She even asked me to give you some stuff. That woman, if it was only possible, she would have bought an entire store," Jeong Hyeok jokingly said.

"It did work out, after all. We are truly happy for you both," Jung Man Bok congratulated Jeong Hyeok.

"Let's cheers to that," Gwang Beom suggested. They all raised their glass.

"To Destiny and Friendship," Gwang Beom said. "To Destiny and Friendship," they all repeated.


Director Ri is orienting all the North Korea's tournament officials about the upcoming event.

"Tomorrow's the day so let us do our jobs properly and excellently. I do not want any mishap or unwanted accidents during the week-long Inter-Korean Sports Tournament. Do you all understand it?" Director Ri said.

"Yes Sir," the officials replied.

"Make sure that all the athletes will rest well tonight so that they will be ready tomorrow," Director Ri told the Tournament Official Head for North Korea.

"Jeong Hyeok, are the musicians for the welcome lunch program ready for tomorrow?" he asked Jeong Hyeok.

"Yes Sir, everything is all set," Jeong Hyeok answered.

"Be attentive all the time and maintain the highest conduct expected from all of you. Let's make this tournament the best one yet," Director Ri said.

"Yes Sir," they all replied in agreement.


While on transit going to Pyongyang, Se-ri's employees are amazed and curious of their surroundings.

"Ooooh. . .So this is how North Korea looks like. . .Waah," one of the employees said.

Yoon Se-ri turned around and talked to them.

"I know that this is all a new experience for everyone but, remember that we are one of the major sponsors of this event. So, let's do our very best and remain focus throughout the whole week. Okay?" Yoon Se-ri said while smiling at all them.

"Yes, Ms. Yoon," they all answered.

"These punks. Do they think we live in a cave?" Pyo Chi Su said. He is seating next to Yoon Se-ri.

"Yah! Be nice. It's their first time," she told him. "I'm excited," Se-ri said.

"Don't you remember our agreement before you left North Korea?" Pyo Chi Su whispered. "If you return, I will bury you in one of our mountains or rivers?" he teased Se-ri.

Yoon Se-ri glared at him and said, "I'll bury you first before you do that."

They stared at each other started smiling and laughing.


Inside the welcome hall of the Pyongyang Central Hotel, Director Ri along with other North Korea Tournament Officials greeted the South Korean Tournament Officials and athletes. They were escorted to their own tables.

Yoon Se-ri and her employees were walking towards the hall and she suddenly felt the urge to go to the bathroom.

"I need to go the bathroom; you can go ahead. I'll follow you guys," Se-ri told Secretary Hong.

"I'll wait for you here," Pyo Chi Su told her and she nodded.

She goes to find the bathroom. She was in a hurry to go pee and got a little bit lost. She is holding the door to what looks like the women's bathroom. Before she tried opening the door, it suddenly opened and when she looked up to who opened it, she was surprised—

"Ri Jeong Hyeok?" Yoon Se-ri exclaimed.

They both looked at each other in awe and surprise and wondered how in the world where they both at the same hotel. 

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