#21 Proximity

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"I-i love you too, I love you so so much. I really can't live without you." He said with a soft voice. Di-did I hear that right? He loves me too? I couldn't control myself anymore. Well, I couldn't do that before as well - but at least I tried my best. My lips quivered and I sobbed again like I did the last 3 hours straight. He didn't add something after this. He stayed silent like he waited for a reaction. But I really couldn't answer anything I was too busy trying to breathe. Silence. Only my sobbing filled the room.

I lifted my head and looked in his eyes. He looked so desperate, trying to find words but couldn't manage to talk just like me. A few minutes we said nothing at all until I decided to break the silence. "The-then, C-can I cuddle you?" I asked him while looking on the couch and drawing some circles on it with my fingers. He nodded and I felt my heart start beating wild. I crawled into his open arms and cuddled onto his chest like I never did before. I couldn't stop rubbing my head against his chest. I was unbelievable happy. One of my hands travelled over his chest and I stopped as I felt his heart beating so fast against my hand.

I wasn't the only one, I smiled in his torso, but still cried - now because of happiness and redemption. He really loves me too. I can't describe my feelings right now. Hyunwoo started to draw some hearts on my cheek with his finger. He kissed my forehead and said "I love you so damn much. I was scared to tell you about my feelings. I never thought you would have feelings for me. You seemed so far away. But now - " he took a deep breath "- we're cuddling." He struggled to find some words and I noticed his suddenly uneven breath against my head. "I'm so sorry for making you cry. I didn't want you to be sad because of me. I love you, Kihyun." His chest vibrated to the sound of his voice.

"Now that I know you love me too, it's ok. I was so hurt the day you almost kissed Mark. I couldn't even stay on my own feets anymore. And this time I really wished you would come to my house but you didn't. The whole day. I cried because I thought it's another one than me. I still can't believe that you love me Hyunwoo." I looked up to him, crawled up on his body until our cheeks meet each other. He pressed a big kiss on my cheek and I did so too. We stayed like this for a while and said nothing at all.

Darkness filled the room as I opened my eyes, my whole body on his. "Hey beauty." He said with a deep and raspy voice. Sounds like he accidentally fell asleep too. "Hey" I smiled at him. My face was still a bit numb from all the crying. "You want to eat something? I'm so hungry." I laughed and get up from him so he can do so too. But he stayed like this and pouted his lips. "Hmmmh it's cold without you!" He hummed with a cute voice. "Come on, we need to eat something it's 11 p.m. already." I said while walking into the kitchen.

"Yaaah!" He loudly sulked at me while I left the living room. Even if i couldn't see him, I heard him pouting his lips in cute disappointment while talking. I started cooking some rice with vegetables and meat for both of us. The good smell lured Hyunwoo into the kitchen as well. For a few seconds he stayed in the door frame. But then he walked behind me and looked over my shoulder to see the food. "I-is this meat?" He asked in excitement and I nodded.

"Aaaawwwww I love meat! Mwah-mwah-mwwuaah" He said overly excited and kissed almost every spot on my neck while I tried to concentrate on the food. He pressed his whole body against mine and hold me close. I really enjoyed his proximity. His hands travelled up and down on my shirt. It felt like he is searching for something. "I found your abs! Hah! I knew you had some!" He determined with a surprised voice as he runs his fingers over my clothed stomach. Sounds like he made the discovery of the millennium.

"Hahaha stop it Hyunwoo I'm ticklish!" I tried to push away his hands from my stomach. But I guess I gave him the wrong idea. He started poking me in the side of my stomach. "Pfhahahaha Hyunwoo, stop it!" I hardly managed to turn around to tickle him too. We both laughed so hard and we couldn't stop tickling each other. A few moments later we both stopped as his face almost touched mine. Both of us completely done from laughing. We both struggled to breath normal.

His facial expression changed within a few seconds from laughing to super serious and somehow sexy. Oh damn it's this time again. He pinned my ass against the kitchen counter with his lower body. FUCK. He kept eye contact the whole time. Oh my fucking god. His head started moving closer to mine and my upper body automatically went backwards. But at some point I wasn't flexible enough to go further. If I can guess I was a perfect 135° angle measured from my legs to my back. Hyunwoos head was still right in front of mine. He held on with one of his hands to the top kitchen cabinet. The other one was wrapped around my back. Damn, please kiss me! NOW! Do it! I want your lips on mine! - my mind went wild. I wanted our lips to connect, like our bodies do right now. I silently begged with my eyes. My eyes fell on his lips. Damn. They're soft. He licked his lower lip and bit it like he had to hold back his desire. His gaze paid full attention to my lips. He came closer and closer.

I think we should start a cockblock counter here. They tried to kiss for so many times already but never managed to do so. I wanted them to kiss for like 5 chapters now but couldn't get myself to write a cheesy kiss scene. Maybe in the next chapter ;D

 Maybe in the next chapter ;D

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