Scene 4 - Side To Side

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Batman and Robin arrive at an area platform with vast space. There is a massive gap from this one to the next platform. A massive gap of nothing of a huge drop to fate. In the area where our heroes arrive, there are three goons of the Joker preparing to attack. There is toxic sludge everywhere, a pool in the middle and at the back a fire exploding flames. It must be put out as soon as possible! The path leading to the other side is slide shut on the other side by more goons as a Joker box springs out with his laughter. The mechanism to release it back has been sabotaged on our side. First, our heroes bust up the three. Robin squirts the water in self-defence as two of them wander back into the sludge to be reduced to LEGO bricks. The other runs away cowardly as he reaches the edge as the other chase him. He loses his balance as he screams as he falls.


He'll be ok, won't he?


Sure he will. Now, let's get rid of this slime and that fire.

Robin jumps into the pool of water, as his tank is filled up. He then quickly sprays the slime with water as the substance quickly dries up to now make it safe. Boy Wonder then sprays the fire as it is revealed a metal box is hidden at the back. He breaks it and reveals bouncing LEGO bricks to form a platform. Once completing it, his normal suit is presented. Batman busts another metal box for some more LEGO bricks to be presented, assembling it to create a lever. He pulls it as some polls are revealed for Robin to leap across to the other side.


Hmph. I think I can get across.


Take a run-up first.



Robin takes a run-up to leap onto the first poll. He then throws himself onto the second. Boy Wonder then leaps to the other side as there is some shinning metal he destroys. Assembling another lever, he pulls it. A path shoots across for the other side for Batman to run across to join Robin.


Right. What next?


Let's bust some of this to see if we can make any use of it.

They begin busting up some of the LEGO bricks, and one is destroyed to create another bouncing platform for our heroes to swap suits. It was Batman who destroyed it. He assembles it to form his Power Suit. The Caped Crusader jumps into it and forms into the new Suit. He turns around to wonder at the white smooth and glittering metal wall behind him.


That's better. Perhaps we could use that to see what's behind the metal wall. Stand back.

A sticker bomb is launched onto it. Within seconds – BOOM! It is utterly destroyed. It is revealed however to have a cell behind it with handles. This can be busted open easily. Batman attempts to pull on it, but even he can't do it. The Dark Knight then punches through it, allowing access into the passage.


Another piece of cake.


This is taking a little longer than I hoped.


What do you expect? The Joker has probably taken every dangerous chemical there is in the warehouse and trashed the place.


Well, shall we see what other surprises he's trashed out for us?

They sprint into the next area...

LEGO Batman DC Superheroes: PART 3: Ace ChemicalsWhere stories live. Discover now