Chapter 9: Friends Over Boyfriends

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"Have a nice day ma'am," I told the customer as I handed her, her bag. She smiled and me and nodded before she left the store. "God, we're dead today," I complained to my coworker, Dorie.

"I know. That woman was what? Our third customer today? You'd think that we'd be busier since Christmas is next week," she replied and I nodded. "What did you get Adam for Christmas?"

"Just some tee-shirts and a leather jacket. I was going to get him a watch too but the jacket cost more than I had planned. Plus I didn't want to go too overboard. I mean it's our first Christmas together and we've only been together a few months," I explained. My phone rang and I answered it. "Hello?"

"Ani, it's Yaser. How much longer is your shift?"

"About an hour, why?" I asked, frowning. I heard some shouting in the background. "What's going on?"

"Adam and Harry are both here; they aren't getting along very well," he said.

"Try and separate them please. I'll be there as soon as I can. I'm so sorry about this Yaser," I said then hung up. Dorie was looking at me worried. "Adam and Harry are both fighting at my house. Could you please cover for me? There's like an hour left in my shift and we're dead anyways."

"Of course. Go An," she replied and I thanked her. I grabbed my purse and left, driving home as fast as I could without breaking the speed limit. I got home and saw Adam and Harry going at each other while Yaser tried to get between them to keep them apart. Adam punched Harry, who fell backwards.

"ADAM!" I yelled, angrily. Harry stood up and punched Adam back. "STYLES! Both of you knock it off!" They were both looking at me so I took the chance to stand in between them. "What the hell is going on?" I glared at the two boys on either side of me.

"Adam was here when I got here. He wasn't happy when I got here. I came by early to see your sisters and Safaa," Harry explained quietly. He and I had plans to go catch a movie and just walk around London. "He told me to leave and I refused since Yaser wasn't the one kicking me out. He," he pointed to my boyfriend. "Has no right to kick me out. Plus you and I had plans. I wasn't gonna skip out on you." I turned to my boyfriend and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Go on Harry," I said.

"He punched me first. I swear Issa, every punch I threw was in self-defense. He came at me first." Adam looked at Harry smugly.

"She doesn't like to be called Issa douchebag," he said.

"Actually, he's allowed to call me Issa. He's the only person allowed to call me Issa. I can't believe you right now Adam. You came over when I told you that I couldn't do anything today because I had work then I was going out. Then you tried to kick my friend out of my house, something you don't have the right to do. On top of that you physically assaulted him," I said, shaking my head.

"Baby-" he started to reply but I cut him off by holding my hand up.

"I don't want to hear it right now Adam. I think you should just go home," I told him then turned to Harry. "I'll be right back Harry. I'm gonna go get the first aid kit." I went upstairs, leaving them alone since I trusted Adam to leave like I'd asked him. I grabbed the first aid kit then went back downstairs. I was almost back to where I'd left them when I heard a struggle. I ran back into the living room and saw Adam and Harry fighting again. "Seriously?!" I yelled again. "I leave you two alone for three minutes!"

"He came at me first this time," Adam said quickly. I looked at Harry with a raised eyebrow.

"He called you a slut Issa. I wasn't gonna let him call you that," Harry explained, walking over to me slowly. I turned to Adam again. He was looking at the floor.

"Is what he said true?" I asked quietly, not wanting to believe it. "Adam, is what Harry said true?" I repeated when he didn't respond.

"Anissa, I'm gonna give you a choice. I want an answer now. Me or Harry. Who do you want in your life?"

"Don't ask me that. I want both of you in my life. But you didn't answer my question."

"And you didn't answer mine. Choose Anissa," Adam insisted. I looked between him and Harry. Adam gave me a hard look and Harry just looked at me pleadingly.

"Don't make me answer that Adam, please," I begged.

"I think I have your answer then. Goodbye Anissa," he said and I watched him walk away. I heard the front door open and close. I didn't even realize that I was crying until Harry wiped the tears away.

"I'm sorry love," he murmured, pulling me into his chest. "But you deserve so much better than him," he added. I just cried into his chest. I had really liked Adam and now he had dumped me basically. But I couldn't believe that he had tried to make me choose between him and Harry. I would never choose my boyfriend over my friends. It would just never happen. Harry slowly led me upstairs and we sat on my bed as I cried. I ended up falling asleep on his chest. When I woke up, he was still there, playing on his phone and holding ice to his eye. I sat up and stretched. He smiled at me. I gently moved the ice off his face. "Don't worry, Waliyah came up while you were sleeping and cleaned up my cuts," he explained.

"I'm so sorry Haz," I mumbled, cupping his face.

"Sorry? What are you sorry for Issa?"

"You got hurt because of me. I'm sorry."

"Issa, you have nothing to be sorry for love. You didn't do anything; Adam was the one who hurt me love." He kissed my head gently and I curled up against him again.

"Can we just stay here tonight?"

"Of course love. Want to watch a movie?"

"Sure, as long as it's the How The Grinch Stole Christmas with Jim Carrey," I replied and Harry chuckled.

"Whatever you want Issa," he replied and I smiled. I put the movie on the TV in my room since I already had it up here. It was one of my favorite movies so we had two or three copies around the house. Although the afternoon had been crappy, I ended up having a pretty good evening, staying in with Harry.

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