First day Chapter 1

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Picture of All the charters.

April Pov
Aug.05,2014, Friday

7am, I hear my alarm going off. I roll over and grab it. I throw it up against the wall.
Bam!!!! Opps, I think I broke a other clock. This is the 5th one in a month. Mom says I get my dad temper and Alec is like her. See my parents work out of town a lot but see as mush as can.
My mom not so stuck bi*** just because we got money. Her name is Amy Miller. She always tell me that. When my mom was on high school she was know as the "sweet girl that can't say no". Little miss good girl or nerd. Yepp got my nerdiness from her. Anyways as I was saying. Since my mother was a good girl. People always made fun or her for it. One day someone got tried of it and took up for her. She look up at the mystery guy was. It was no other than my father (Ashton) the school bad boy. He talk to no one but his friends until that day. He had never talk to my mother. They started hanging out and soon she learn that he was more than just a bad boy. And they fall in love. They got married and had us. My mom is a doctor and my dad owns his own business. That's how I met Ryan. His parents and my parent have known each other since high school and are best friends. That's why we were so close since birth until he left me. We still have family dinners and see each almost everyday. Why you ask is because we are neighbors. His windows right across from mine. We use to at sit at night by our windows and talk or Ryan would come though my window at night and stay but the day came and all that was gone. I sit at my window and watch for him. Waiting for to come and say it was a mistake and I am sorry. Never happen. Months gone by and I stop looking out my window but I still stay up at night wondering what went wrong. Still in four years I still wonder. Back to now. I lay in my bed not wanting to move. Finally I get up and look around. I am not girly but not tomboy. I have always hang out with boys growing up. Me and Rose with the boys. Always! My room was white walls with light pink floor. My walls are covered in pictures with my family and friends. Ones of me and Matt, Me, Rose and the boys. Me, Rose, Alec and Ryan. Me, Alec, and our parents.Me,Lilly and Rose. My favorite is the one beside my bed of me and Ryan on my 13th bday with his arms around my waist. It was my first kiss too. We were so happy. He had got me a necklace with my name and his birthstone. He said so that he was always there. I have slots of picture with me and Ryan but their all put up for now. Matt gets mad when he sees it but know I will never move it. I don't understand why they hate each so much. My brother and friends don't like Matt either but they deal with him for me. Back to my room. My bed is pink and white. I have 2 dressers and walk in closet. I get up and walk in to y bathroom. I get on dress and jump in to the shower. I wash my body and hair and jump out. I dry off and walk to my closet. It's getting chilly out. So I put on a white tee with my pink hoodie and skinny jeans with black boots. I straighten my hair and put on my black beanie with light make up. I look in the mirror and grab my bag with my phone, money, and keys. I look out my window and see Ryan.He looks over at me looking at him. Stand staring at him for a minute than turn around and walk down stair. Can't look at him to long with out it still hurting. Still after 4 years I am heart broken. All these seem gone now and it hurts. I walk down to see my brother eating breakfast with my dad and my mom cooking. My brother is wearing black tee with football jacket, blue jeans and jones. His blonde hair kind of long that covers his eyes. My dad has brown hair and blue eyes. Still looks young being in his early 40's. My mom has long blonde hair and green eyes. We could pass for twin if it wasn't for her eyes. I walking in and sit down next to my brother.
" Morning bro. Ready for our first day." Smile at him. " Morning mom and dad." Kissing their cheek and my mom sit my food down. I love food. Food is the best.
"Morning" both my parents said.
" Morning sis. I am and what about you. I have football practice today. So I will ride with Alex home. Ok" He smiled at me.
"That's ok with me. Are we going to pick up Rose." I ask him. She has her own car but always rides with us.
"Yepp. Do you want to drive or do want me to." He said getting up and put his plate in the sink.
" Ummm I will drive. Since you have practice today. Might hang out after school and watch y'all and see Matt." Putting my plate in the sink.
Bye y'all. love yall. Me and Alec yell at the same time. We have do that alot. "bye." They yell back. I walk out my car. It's was black and red. Got into the car and Alec got in too and looked at me.
"Have to talk to Matt this weekend." Alec said looking at me worried look. Matt has been weird lately. He doesn't text or call me that much. He doesn't come by like normal. Something is wrong and I don't know what. It been like this for past 2 months when Summer begin. I think it because I told him I wasn't ready to have sex yet.
"No" I said kept looking ahead while driving. We pull up to Rose drive way and honk. She lives 5 mins from us. I see her running out the door. She was wearing white tee with a black hoodie and sweat pants with converse and her hair in a messes bun. She's always lazy. Doesn't care what people think and that's why Alec loves her. They are so different. Either way she is beautiful no matter how she dresses. She has long black hair and beautiful blue eye with tan skin and she has all the right curves. She gets in the car.
"Morning babe." Peck Alec lips and turns to me." Morning wifely." kissing my cheek. I started backing out the drive way. Rose looks at me from the backseat.
" Still hasn't called or txt." She knows me all to well. Just like Alec but not as much as Ryan did.
"No he hasn't. Maybe something happen." I look back at her at a red light.
"I can talk to him." Alec said
"No" I said quick. I know Alec talking. He is the sweetest person ever but when it comes to me, Rose or any girls in the group and is overprotected. I know what he means by talking to him and it's not talking at all. Alex our other best friend is the same way.
" Ok it wouldn't but just let's me know sis." smile at me.
"I will. ok love u too." smile back as I pull in to the school. I have a feeling that this is going to be a long day.

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