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I was on my way to the door when he said that. He nodded and with that, we were off to the pavilion to eat some, hopefully great food.


The pavillion was... different to say the least, it was unlike anything I have ever seen before. Firstly, it was outside. And it adorned gold pillars, way too fancy for the simple wooden picnic tables.

I smelled many different smells coming from it. I ran towards it, suddenly realizing how hungry I actually was. Now that I think if it, I don't think I've eaten a proper meal in days, only a apple and some bread and lots of water. Once I got in the pavillion, I was met with many different picnic tables, all engraved with different symbols. It took me a minute but I found the Hermes table and decided to stand by it, not wanting to take anyone's seat. Just then, Connor ran up to me.

"Hey Mari! Can I call you that?" I had no time to respond because Connor kept on talking, "Anyways, I didn't think you would come, you were so absorbed in that book. But take a seat, its fine!"

I reluctantly sat, and Connor sat next to me. And pulled a cup and plate out of, seemingly no where.

"Okay, so food here, is a little different. Well, a lot different. But its really simple, just say what you want to eat and drink and it will appear." I looked at him skeptically, "Are you for real?" "Try it."

So I did, I had no reason to not believe him. "Spaghetti pomodorado and ceasar salad and uhm, root beer." And miraculously, it all appeared before me, I could tell my eyes were the size as saucers, because a certain brunette was snickering. "W-what, how is that even-"

"Possible? The power of the gods or something. I don't really think about it much, just eat." So I picked a fork and went to stab it into the salad. "Whoa! Not so fast new girl. You have to scrape off some of your food into the fire. Offering of the gods, its just a thing we do here to thank them. You can dedicate your offering to whoever you want."

I was confused but followed Connor with my plate, where he went into a line. Finally it was Connors turn, and I could hear him mumble something about Hermes and pranks. Then, he was done, and it was my turn. "Go ahead." I just stared at the fire for a few seconds, still fathoming everything that has happened to me in the past day.

"Uh, thanks mom, for bringing me into this world. I hope you like lettuce." And with that, I scraped a but of my food into the fire, stared at the embers in the air and left.

We finally got back to our table, and I ate in silence. Its weird, you know. Being surrounded by strangers that may be your siblings. Everyone else was so close and I felt so alone. I was poking at my pasta when I spotted a certain blonde. Jason was also alone and bored out of his mind, just like me, I wondered how long it took him to warm up to these guys. A loud voice brust my melancholy bubble.

"Hello campers! I hope you are having a wonderful day, as you may know, today we gained a new camper, Ms. Mariah Goode. Let us make her feel welcome!"

Everyone let out a bored and simple 'welcome or 'hello' which didn't make me feel welcomed, surprisingly. Then, I saw the horse man talk to the man beside him. The guy just sighed and grabbed the megaphone to speak to us, mainly me I guess.

"Ah yes, hip hip hooray for Maddie Gorus, welcome." And with that, insulting brief welcome, he sat down. "Uhm, its Mariah Goode, sir."

【𝐖𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐁𝐎𝐘】➣ 𝐉𝐀𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐄 (Rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now