IChapter 1: Can Barely Get Through the School Year

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*Kaia's POV*

"I don't want to hear about it anymore." I demanded my mum. 

"Ok but Kaia look, they don't understand anything we go through." she replied. 

"No they don't! They are a bunch of rich snobs! If I knew going to that barn was going to be this difficult for us I would have just stuck with riding here at home." I yelled back at her. She simply nodded in return and watched me stomp out the door and outside. I shivered as I walked in silence for a short distance until I got outside to the paddock behind our house. I was only wearing my long sleeve AERO t-shirt, pj pants, and my favorite black beanie. My dad had gone off to help relatives in Ireland a while back and my brother was in collage. Mum and I had decided to move into my friend, Gia's extra house that they had on the back of their property. I got up to the paddock and stepped up on the gate. "Smokey" I called out waiting for my horse to come to me. Patrick and Magic, the horses Gia and her family own, came up and nudged me. I smiled and pet there noses.   "Smokey!" I called out again. This time he trotted up to me whinnying. I had been given Smokey by Gia. She used to ride but kind of grew out of it as the years went. I kissed Smokey's nose and held him still. I climbed up further on the gate and sat down on top. Smokey nudged my leg, asking me for a midnight ride. I agreed and swung my leg over his back. giving him a tap with my heals he began to canter towards the 3 foot fence that kept them in. I asked him to quicken up his pace so we could make it over. My long brunette hair flowed behind me as he picked up his front feet and pushed off with his back. We just cleared the fence. He threw his head up and slowly came back to a walk as I hopped off and lead him back into the paddock. I let him go in the field and climbed back up the fence sitting down on top.

"Look's like you had fun" a deep yet immature voice said from behind me. I turned around surprised that anyone was out here this late. 

"Jay. What are you doing out here?" I said still a bit confused why he was out here. Jay was Gia's brother that just so happened to be the same age as me.... he was 14 and a douche bag just like all the other guys in 8th grade.

"What, I can't come out to see my horses?" he asked sarcastically. I shook my head and went back to watching the horses. See Jay used to be my best friend when we were little, then we lost touch for a few years. When we came across each other again in science class this year.... he acted like I was invisible. Needless to say, I wasn't so happy with him right now. "Oh come on Kaia, lighten up." He said sitting on top of the fence next to me. I wasn't going to lie, Jay was hot, but somehow all I wanted to do was stay away from him. 

"Jay, why would I lighten up. In the beginning of the school year you didn't even remember me. You acted like I was invisible to you!" I said pushing him a little.

"I'm sorry Kaia. You just, you changed so much. I mean you used to be this pudgey little girl and then the next time I see you your like- your hot" he sighed. Good thing it was dark or else he would have seen me blush. 

"Honestly, thank you. But If your all of a sudden going to be nice, try talking to me in school every now and then, and not being embarrassed by me." I replied as I spun around and hopped off the gate. "Then maybe I'll 'lighten up'." I said putting air quotes around lighten up. I gave him one last look before running back to my house.  


*The Next Day*

I walked into 5th period aka science the next day and plopped down into my seat. I kind of forgot about Jay and I's conversation last night until he walked in and immediately flashed me a smile. I rolled my eyes and tried not to pay attention to him. Sadly that didn't work because he sits right in front of me. "Hey Kaia" he said once he got to his seat. 

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