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On her nineteenth day, leading onto the twentieth morning - seeing how it was midnight already - Bucky and Matilda decided to swim in the pool at a time where no one else would be. The water was significantly colder around her, but he didn't mind. She was better at controlling her powers and didn't freeze the water. Really, it was because she was comfortable around Bucky.

"When the war hit, I got drafted and got trained at Camp McCoy in Wisconsin. Eventually, I became Sergeant Barnes of the 107th. They shipped us out to England and we fought on the front lines. The Nazis they ambushed us at Azzano and we were made HYDRA's prisoners of war," recalled Bucky.

"HYDRA?" she questioned.

"An organization who tests on people and murders others who don't agree with them," he answered.

"That's horrible."

He shrugged. "Yeah, but they're taken care of now."

"I'm glad."

"Yeah, me too."

He had moved in closer to her unknowingly, driving toward her because of the water pushing against their bodies. Before he knew it, his chest was nearly pressed up against her chest. He could barely recognize the feeling of her lips against his until she placed her hands on his chest.

"Was that too forward?" she murmured against his lips.

"It was perfect," he murmured back, drawing her in for another kiss.

The two continued their night swimming in the pool, splashing water on each other and attempting to catch the other off guard with kisses. Matilda would freeze the splashes Bucky threw at her. By the end, the pool was full of intricate frozen designs.

The two looked at each other, floating in the middle of the pool, and giggled. Bucky had never felt so free before. He had been through a lot, having been brainwashed repeatedly. Even with Wakanda's technology, it didn't stop the guilt that he felt from time to time, but with Matilda, he felt like everything was going to be all right.

"There was a scientist, Zola, he experimented on me. Steve rescued us that November. I remember being so confused. I left and he was this scrawny, short kid from Brooklyn who couldn't back down from a fight and he came to me all big and buff. The one thing that stayed though was his determination, and he used that to save what was left of my regiment. Later, he set up a special team. We were called 'The Howling Commandos.' "

"Howling?" she questioned.

"We were pretty cool."

She chuckled, nudging her nose against his nose. "Thank you for telling me all these things."

"I'm not nearly done, doll," he said.

"I know, and that is fantastic news because I enjoy hearing you speak. No one talks to me on my home planet because they are frightened of me, but not you."

"No," he murmured. "I'm not. Most people on earth are frightened of me."

"I cannot see why. You are lovely."

He smiled. "You're pretty lovely yourself."

ICE QUEEN. ❪ Bucky Barnes ❫ ✓Where stories live. Discover now