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Bucky and Matilda enjoyed sneaking around. They enjoyed sneaking kisses whenever someone turned their backs on them or when they were alone in a corridor with only F.R.I.D.A.Y. watching them because they knew she secretly was.

The two subconsciously began a game of leaving each other flowers outside their door. The meanings behind the flowers meant a lot to the two of them. Gifting flowers to each other was no simple or meaningless action.

They never discussed what their relationship exactly was, but they didn't need to. All in all, they enjoyed being together and the two craved each other.

Matilda quickly kissed Bucky's lips as Pepper turned around from a conversation with Happy. Pepper eyed the couple for a moment before turning back around. They were standing very close to each other with his hand on the small of her back. Pepper thought it was suspicious.

Matilda looked up at Bucky and grinned. Her eyes twinkled in mischief, and he learned she was quite a tease, now that she was comfortable with him.

"You're trouble," he whispered in her ear, leaning down.

"Am I?" she questioned innocently.

"Very much so."

"You two look comfortable," mused Pepper, walking toward them with Happy behind her.

"I am!" chirped Matilda. "Are you?" she asked, looking up at Bucky.

"Oh, I'm very comfortable," he replied.

"Uh-huh, so does this have anything to do with the flowers you asked about?" asked Pepper.

"Flowers?" questioned Matilda.

"Oh, you know. Bucky asked me about flowers a couple of days ago. Needed my advice or something?" she questioned, a smile playing on her lips.

"I didn't think you of all people would tease me," Bucky grumbled.

Pepper chuckled. "Should I tell Sam?"

"Definitely not," he rejected.

"Tell Sam what?" Matilda asked.

"That Bucky was trying to woo you," explained Pepper.

"Woo? I am afraid I'm unfamiliar with that term."

"It means to court, Miss," interrupted F.R.I.D.A.Y.

"Oh, I see. Thank you, F.R.I.D.A.Y. Is this human courting?" asked Matilda.

Bucky scratched his head. "I suppose so."

Pepper smiled. "Don't forget the time slot to visit Steve tomorrow."

"I won't. Thanks for setting it up," replied Bucky.

"Don't worry about it. I'm sure he needs some company."

Bucky had talked to Matilda about visiting Steve together the next day. He believed it was only fair for Steve to meet the girl he'd been pining after for a couple days. Matilda was eager to meet Steve. Bucky had told many stories of him, so she knew how much he meant to Bucky.

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